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Showing posts from August, 1987

08/10/87 Ending Summer quarter

This summer has gone so fast.  I'm doing really well in all my classes.  Band ended today.  I'm not sure how he grades but I only missed one day (flu).  The music was okay some days but very hard others.  I think we had 30-40 pieces of music we played. Today we had a concert. English has gone really well.  My major downfall was in the GE test.  W/o it I would have 89.7.  With it I have an 85. I'm nervous about the essay for the final.  If I can keep my head together though I should get a B+ or A. In Calculus I've surprised myself so far but the final is going to be a killer.  I haven't studied a lot since last week.  I'm scared! In 2 days I've got to move out of here and I'm going to New Jersey on Friday. We went camping this week and it was really fun.  I'm still unsure about things.  We spend a lot of time together and we know each other pretty well.  I can tell him anything.  He treats me like a queen....