01/05/2000 Wednesday Bryce is 3 1/2 years old. He started sunbeams this week and was SO excited. He couldn't wait to get out of nursery! He just a few months ago quit crying when he went to Nursery. Bryce loves Dallas. They still share a room and I often find them asleep in the same bed. They play for hours together and never get bored. Bryce says his favorite cartoon is Bruno. He luvs spaghettios. Bryce is almost exactly the same size as Dallas so they share shoes, clothes and jackets regularly. Dallas is almost 5 and a smart little boy. He could play on the computer all day if we'd let him. He can turn it on, select his game, switch the CD, play and shut down the system w/o any assistance most of the time. He and AJ compete for computer time. They like different games. Dallas will start kindergarten this fall and I think it will be hard on Bryce to be left out. AJ is 8 and was baptized in September. ...