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Showing posts from December, 2010

12/27/10 Finding AJ at the airport as he leaves for the Phillippines

Patiently waiting... 12/27/10 Well we will see you at the airport.  No more disappearing acts for you!!!!  Hopefully there is only one lobby for Delta drop off because we aren't allowed to go back past the gates where you go once you've checked in and gone through security. Holly found candy...Holly LOVES candy! Love you lots!!! I'm so excited for you!!!  Keep your camera out and take lots of pictures!!!  (If you can)  Only about 3 hours till we see our cute little boy!!! 12/28/10 It was so good to talk to you and see you!  I thought about you all squished up on an airplane all night last night and hope you weren't too uncomfortable!  You are probably getting close to Hong Kong now...and still all squished!   Cutie Katie We made it home through all the fog and got to sleep in our own beds last night and that felt good!  I hope you can catch some zzzz's.  You gotta take care of yourself so you don't get sick....

12/26/10 Hunting temple grounds for our missionary, no luck!

12/26/10 i Aj!     So we tried to be naughty and find you today but had no luck.  We were at the MTC temple parking lot and watched lots of missionaries go to the temple but you weren't any of them.  One kid was giving us the tisk tisk finger wag.  It was pouring down the rain and yucky so maybe you decided to stay in?  Anyway we are going to try again tomorrow to find you.     How is your luggage?  Are you pretty fulled up?   Is there anything you want to take with you that you don't already have...peanut butter, toilet paper, anything?  This is your last chance.  We can stop at the store on the way to the air port if you can think of something.     Well let us know.  We plan to be up at the airport about noon tomorrow and get one last look at you in person for awhile!  Take care and see ya soon . XOXO