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Showing posts from January, 2017

01/7/17 Robotics

Holly joined Robotics this year.  They had two competitions at Dixie State University.  In robotics they are given a "robot" that they have to program to perform missions.  Each mission is worth points and they complete against other teams.  There were about 31 teams and the girls finished 18th. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot.

01/07/17 Honors band and last year's Christmas concert

Katie and Holly are very talented musicians.  Katie plays alto and soprano saxophone and Holly plays trumpet and is starting to learn french horn. There have been several concerts this month along with county honor band for Katie.  They really enjoy their band time.

01/06/17 Swimming with the Robinson's

Had fun playing with the Robinson's kids (the Washington Elementary School Janitor's family -- Linda Hill's grandkids).  We've gone swimming and to movie in the park with them.  They have 4 little girls and they are fun to play with and match up well with our girls.