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Showing posts from October, 2017

10/03/17 Surgery again - Herniated Disk removal & disk fusion

7 pokes later trying to get an IV, not really happy about it!! It's been a long year as Andy has struggled with some health issues.  We've gone to dr. after dr. without getting any good answers.  It's like we have this really hard jigsaw puzzle to put together. Cool board lets us know where our patient is at By the way, it was actually a really busy day and this was page 2  Pictures of Andy's spine (Hope the dr is a better surgeon than photographer!) I can't really see much here! Got Andy to recovery and then kept him there for 2 hours!! I thought he'd never come out!  The pile of tests and results we've accumulated this year is about an inch thick.  Andy has had multiple blood tests, x-rays and 4 MRI (3 parts of his back and the brain).  We've been up to Provo twice; once to see a Rheumatologist, the second time to see a Neurologist.  We've been to the GP (general practice Dr.),  an Orthopedic Surgeon, a physical therapis...