Well after almost 5 weeks I got my office back! Yeah!!!! It's been kind of fun wandering around and also kind of un cool as I always felt a bit off, ya know??! It looks really pretty good. I got it back on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sadly the carpet has some flaws and they are going to have to rip it out and start over again in a few weeks when more carpet arrives. Sigh. Stayed busy moving myself and my bosses offices back together. It's funny the different temperaments of the three guys. One was like...yeah...just do it. Put everything back together. The other was like - just get rid of everything (he's getting a new desk next week) and then I'll put it back together next week...basically pack up my mess but that will be it. And the third was like...I got this. You don't need to help. Seriously, leave everything alone. I can do it myself. (I still did stuff but he protested! haha) Wednesday we went to Angelica's with B&L and Gpa. It was yummy, as always! I p...