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Showing posts from July, 2000

7/24/00 Funnies and Pioneer Day

Dallas, Bryce, AJ and Shelly on a hike, Kolob Resrvoir 7/24/2000 Funnies: Aj was learning to play chess and he lost his bishop. So he said, Dad you killed my Campbell.  (the name of our Bishop at church) Bryce was looking through the dishes and said, "What the hell is that?!"  (I don't know where he got that but it sure made me laugh to hear a 4 year old say something like that! Bryce, AJ Andy and Dallas Enjoying some hot cocoa by the fire We took the kids up to the Girl's camp by Kolob Reservoir this weekend.  We had a special weekend together.  We left Saturday at lunch time.  We got a sandwich at subway before we went up the mountain.  We got up there and set up camp and then went for a drive to see if we could find Duck Creek, where Andy's family was spending the day.  We drove 45 minutes on terrible roads and ended up at the Cedar City overlook about 40 minutes from Duck Creek.  We decided to go back. We passed a place called...