Dallas, Bryce, AJ and Shelly on a hike, Kolob Resrvoir |
Funnies: Aj was learning to play chess and he lost his bishop. So he said, Dad you killed my Campbell. (the name of our Bishop at church)
Bryce was looking through the dishes and said, "What the hell is that?!" (I don't know where he got that but it sure made me laugh to hear a 4 year old say something like that!
Bryce, AJ Andy and Dallas Enjoying some hot cocoa by the fire |
We passed a place called "Summer Place" only I thought it said "Bummer place" so we were going to stop and take a picture with our bums facing out. I was "bummed" it said Summer!
Andy, Dallas AJ and Bryce hanging at the table |
Sunday morning we had a yummy breakfast and then went on a 2 hour hike from 9-11 a.m. It was a hard hike. All up-hill. But we found some horny toads and lizards and potguts along the way. We were all sweaty and tired when we got back.
We then had our very own sacrament meeting. Dallas said the opening prayer. Andy blessed the sacrament. And and I spoke. The little boys sang a duet "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ" and AJ lead the songs. It was a special meeting. There were 2 deer just off in the distance and a noisy bird flying overhead.
Dad, Bryce and AJ on a hike |
Andy with a lil lizard |
Luckily we had cold lunch so it was not as hot as it could have been.
He bot a big blister on his hand and his leg in the back. It could have been much worse. We filled some buckets with water and soaked him for a long time. Then we decided we better change the flat tire in case we did need to leave in a hurry.
Andy showed me and AJ how to change the tire. He was going to have us do all of it but it was too hard and he ended up doing most of it. At least we know how to do it now!
We made dinner and were trying to decide whether to stay or go home, about 8 p.m., when Mom and Dad Griffin arrived. We had just about given up on them coming. They really liked our camp and walked around and checked it out a bit. I got the kids in their pj's and cleaned up -- they were filthy! And then we had a fireside.
Bryce nursing burned leg and hand after falling in the fire pit |
Grandma Griffin |
AJ and Andy and I stayed up playing dice and yahtzee again.
We got up at 8 a.m. and had breakfast and came down the mountain.
Bryce not happy about crossing cattle guard |
Last weekend we went up to Lehi for the Bahr Family reunion. We went and stayed at the Hampton Inn in Provo and then went to Severn Peaks Friday night. It was fun to get away and do something with our family. Mike and Ruth came and went with us then we went to Golden Corral for dinner.
We are trying to do more fun family things now that the kids are old enough. This summer has been a fun summer. Once school starts we probably won't be able to do stuff like this because Andy will be working most weekends.
That's all for now as my hand is tired!
Bryce, Dallas and AJ |
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