8/28/11 How does it feel to be 20? All grown up now! We'll have to celebrate the day without you. We were going to go to Texas Roadhouse in your honor but they didn't open till 3 Friday and Dad had to go to Vegas...maybe next week! Well I got all my work stuff figured out and done. Judge went out of town this week (up the mountains, no cell service) and both he and I forgot we had a hearing set for Friday at 5 p.m. to accommodate a guy that works in New Mexico. The other party came down from SLC. I called all the judges in the area and everyone was out of town, sick, birthday party, etc. Except one. He came over at 6:30 Friday night (asked the parties to come back and give me time to find a Judge) and when he got there he decided he didn't have jurisdiction to hear the case. So these poor people had to wait around for over 2 hours to not get their case heard. He said he had to be appointed by city (Mayor) in order t...