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08/21/11 GS Luau, and why I don't use self checkout...


I can't believe another week has come and gone.  Where does it go?  Seems like it's been a good one!

Last night the girls and I went to a Girl Scout Luau.  They had all the usual...kalua pork, rice, chicken, salad, dancing girls, big dude doing the hakau 3/4 naked, and some hulu dancing lessons.  It was good.  We got all dolled up and had a good time together.

Riley Lewis is home and I guess speaks today.  That went really fast too!  I think Sis. Turner will be back any time now too.  (18 months goes even faster!!!)

I think Riley is heading to BYU tomorrow to start school.  Crazy fast!  I think he just got home Thursday last week.  That's a lot of change in a young man's life in a big hurry!

Work has been keeping me totally busy.  Seems the faster I go the behinder I get.  Or something.  I have more help than ever before (community service workers, volunteer, part time girl from the office and I'm putting in some OT and still can't keep up.)  This new program is trying me!  I know how to do it for the most part...all the processes are just slower.  Ugh.  Me and slow don't get along well.

YW is still coming along.  I'm frustrated still with the lack of commitment on the part of our members.  I just don't understand why they don't LOVE it.  I couldn't wait to go each week.  These girls I can't drag here!  My non-members still enthusiastically participate most Wednesday's so I am thankful for that.  If it weren't for them I'd really wonder about all this!  We did have a girl move in recently who is a sweety and she has been committed so far!  That's good!

We are getting ready for the marathon -- I'm the captain this year.  (Ym and Yw leader trades each year...Brandon did last year so it's my turn).  That'll be fun.  Hopefully we can get enough to come.  I enjoyed it last year...we'll have to get good breakfast to bribe them!?

So Friday night me and the girls went to Walmart after swimming and D.I. and getting gas (the usual Friday night stuff).  We get a small basket of stuff and figure, hey, let's go to self check out.  Terrible idea!  We get in a line that has just one guy in front of us and he's about done.  Only the machine won't return his 77 cents.  So he calls for help.  Who calls her boss for help.  Who eventually (after we've completely unloaded all our groceries on the belt) says you better go get in another line.  Look around and there are people EVERYWHERE.  No problem, come get in this line (another self check out with just one person in it...basically "butted" me in line).  Ok, so I go over there.  Load up the stuff.  Check an item through, put it in the bag.  Seems easy enough, right?  About the third item it says the item needs to be in the bag (it already is!).  Get help.  It continues on like this through our items needing assistance every couple of items.  We finally finish and I have 2 coupons.  One works, one doesn't.  Call for help, who calls for help.  Who finally gets it to work.  Then try to pay with credit card.  Declined.  (WHAT????).  Ok, no worries.  Get another card, won't read it.  WHAT THE CRAP!!!!  Girls start putting the groceries in the cart.  Machine goes bezerk...the groceries don't weigh enough.  Tell them to put it back.  Again, only now it weighs TOO much.  Lady comes over AGAIN and finally makes it read my card and we go home.  GRUMPY.  So, just in case you're wondering why I don't do self checkout...there you have it.  I had to come home and make banana chocolate chip crumb muffins and eat like 5 of them before I felt better!  And it was 10 p.m. at night!!!!!!

We are fortunate to have no BYC today and no WARD COUNCIL next Sunday so I enjoyed a very lazy morning!  Didn't even make anything for dinner tonight...although I might still do that...I have a few minutes yet.  It feels good to not be running somewhere all the time!

Well I hope you are still doing well. You are looking thinner and I need to send you more food?  Don't they sell brownie mixes in the grocery there?

Bryce still hasn't gotten whatever you sent for his b-day.  What did you send anyway?  He still checks the mail box every day.  He is still like a little kid in this GINORMOUS body.  Kinda cute!

Can't wait to hear about this weeks adventures. Love you lots! Mom.


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