Guessing on Date Katie wrote this Sister for Sale Is there anyone who would like a girl to keep them company? Well, I know someone who would be up to the job. She likes food, noise, and bright colors. And the best part is she’s only twenty dollars ! Firstly, this girl can really eat, and I mean really eat. You know those leftovers that have been sitting in the fridge for the last month, well; Holly can exterminate those in ten seconds flat. Tired of old Halloween candy lying in a bowl? She can cure that conundrum in no time at all. See, food doesn’t need to go rotten anymore. Those days are over. Also, awkward silence is not a problem with my little “friend.” That is mostly because there IS no silence . Fatigued of silence and boredom? Holly won’t let you down for entertainment during almost any time. You will almost always have multip...