1/25/2015 Lauren, Holly, Kenzie and Katie at the St. George temple How are things in Spokane? Is it super cold there? Marlee's mom called saying she was concerned that you were freezing up there and might need a better coat. She says she has a size Large one from her son that served and would be happy to lend it to you. I asked her to take a picture and have Marlee send it to you so you can see if it looks any better than the one you have. I don't want to sd it up to you and then have you need to cart it around for 18 months and carry it home if it isn't going to be helpful! So let me know. If you think it will work we will arrange pickup and mailing. It only takes 2 days to ship if I can fit it in a prepaid box. Katie and her basketball team Which might present another problem. I am kind of anticipating a transfer for you this week. So I'm not sure if I should ship to mission home, your address, or just wait unt...