The Chase Family came for a quick visit from Thursday February 15 - Sunday February 18 over President's Day weekend. All the kids stayed over Thursday evening and then the Chase's went to Zion while the Griffin's went to school/work. We all enjoyed some hot tubing at the condo Friday evening. (It was too cold to enjoy the regular pool!!!) Saturday we went Prom dress shopping at the DI for Aspen and played games at the table (exploding kittens, Ticket to ride (the trains game) and a game they had brought from home. Saturday evening all the teenagers went to the Stake Dance in Bloomington while the Chases stayed and did taxes and hung out. The Griffin's went to the Dixie University Basketball Game (Andy had to work). Sunday we we all went to church together and then enjoyed ribs, rolls, baked beans, potatoes and salad and cookies. Chase's were going to stay until Monday however there was a bad snow storm coming in. So they loaded up and headed home...