A little over a week ago Andy and I were out for an evening walk trying to get speakers for the last two Sundays in June. All the spots were filled but one and he turned to me to suggest I be the one to fill that spot. Oh no! My stress level was pretty high as I’d had a long 12 hour Tuesday and then come home to our realtor letting me know of yet more problems and delays with our home sale and purchase. I was about to my breaking point and could not imagine adding one more thing. A few days later the spot still wasn’t filled and I casually said I’d probably speak on Sunday if he really needed me to and I’m pretty sure he immediately stopped looking for anyone else. So I’m it! And I’m thankful for the opportunity to talk on ministering as the savior did. I truly believe that our lives are improved far more than those we help when we minister. One example from my life of just this very blessing...Andy of course served a two year mission -- so he was doing his ...