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Showing posts from August, 2021

08/17/21 - 9/28/21 Shoot

With my new job I suddenly had Tuesday's we decided to take a gun class. We went down to Rowdy's Range every Tuesday (except for a brief intermission for covid) and Jason taught us how to use a gun. He taught us how to handle it, clean it, carry it, shoot it. It was very informative and made gun use a whole lot less scary than it used to be! Generally speaking in the large pix the big bullet holes came from Andy's gun and the little bullet holes came from mine.  We both got a certificate of completion for course 1 & 2.   

08/04/21 Covid continues, Strikes Shelly

 On Tuesday, August 3 about 4 p.m. I started feeling a little vertigo...took my temperature and it was up around 101. Knowing that COVID had arrived I went in Wednesday morning and tested positive...starting my 10 day quarantine. (I already had been quarantined 5 days due to Andy's positive). I had a fever for 24 hours and felt kind a blah until 4 p.m. Wednesday. Then I started feeling better. I had to work all day Thursday (interviewing over ZOOM for a new Judge) and luckily felt good all day.  I did daily sun therapy (naps on my recliner by the pool). Saturday was another rough day with a bad tummy ache (took a concoction of vitamins without eating anything and it knocked me down for about 3 hours with stomach pains and the accompanying yuck) and just feeling icky. Other then that felt pretty good as I waited out my time.  COVID did allow me to get paid for doing lots of projects. Here are some pictures of some of the projects...I didn't get pix of everything...