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Showing posts from August, 1995

08/24/95 Journal Entry Date night!

Thursday 8/24/95 Latest news on the house is that it is not in a FHA approved neighborhood so they've got to get it approved.  Takes a couple of days. Ugh. We'll be lucky to be out by September 1.  We may not get it if interest rates go up more.  Were at 6.96% now at 7.28%.  Just have to wait and see.  Try our patience out (and faith!) Andy and I went out alone together today. First time in a LONG time.  We went to Eldon's work - Learn Key - then went and hit a bucket of balls at the golf club. Then to K-Mart to see what they charge for bikes for AJ's 4th birthday and finally for a nice 4 p.m. lunch at Paula's Mexican Restaurant.  It was really nice to be alone and be able to hold hands in the store and talk and not be interrupted.  I really enjoyed it.  I hope we take time to do that more often. Dallas had a rough night with his cold and I'm tired!

08/21/95 Journal Entry Preparing for Aj's 4th birthday, loving my baby Dallas, Andy working all the time

8/21/95 We still haven't heard about our new place in Hurricane. They said it will probably be another week before we can close.  That would be AJ's 4th birthday.  We don't want to move then! AJ is really excited for his birthday.  He wants to go to Fiesta Fun (we're going Saturday for Andy's work picnic), McDonald's for a burger (probably Monday at lunch and we'll take Taylor) and get his big new bike.  We'll probably have to find a used bike for him or do something else. A new one costs about $65-$75 at Walmart. AJ loves yellow.  He started to love yellow at about 2 and colors all his pictures at church all yellow.  It's really cute and easy to find things he likes!  I never really realized kids got preferences in color so early in life. Dallas is really cute.  He is getting pretty good at getting around.  Still crawls better backward then forward.  He can sit unassisted for short periods of time. He loves to hold your hands an...

08/09/95 Journal Entry and Aj funnies

08/09/95 It has been 8 years since I've written almost to the day.  So much has happened.  I don't know where to start. Andy and I got married October 4, 1988 on a Tuesday morning.  It was a beautiful ceremony  at the Jordan River Temple.  I graduated from Utah State University in Business Information Systems in June of 1991. AJ was born August 28, 1991 and Dallas was born March 27, 1995.  We have lived in Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan (2 different places), Moscow, Idaho, Cedar City and St. George. And we are hoping to buy a home any day now in Hurricane, Utah. Andy has been the sports editor for almost a year at the Daily Spectrum. It has kept him really busy this year. Dallas was born Monday, March 27, 1995. We went into the hospital about 7 a.m. and by 8 a.m. they put me on the pit drip to induce labor.  At 10 a.m. they broke my water which is when labor gets painful and it took until noon to get an epidural.  At 1 p.m. they moved us o...