It has been 8 years since I've written almost to the day. So much has happened. I don't know where to start.
Andy and I got married October 4, 1988 on a Tuesday morning. It was a beautiful ceremony at the Jordan River Temple. I graduated from Utah State University in Business Information Systems in June of 1991.
AJ was born August 28, 1991 and Dallas was born March 27, 1995. We have lived in Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan (2 different places), Moscow, Idaho, Cedar City and St. George. And we are hoping to buy a home any day now in Hurricane, Utah.
Andy has been the sports editor for almost a year at the Daily Spectrum. It has kept him really busy this year.
Dallas was born Monday, March 27, 1995. We went into the hospital about 7 a.m. and by 8 a.m. they put me on the pit drip to induce labor. At 10 a.m. they broke my water which is when labor gets painful and it took until noon to get an epidural. At 1 p.m. they moved us over to a delivery room and by 1:40 p.m. Dallas was born. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3X so they had to stop him and cut the cord before they delivered him.
He weighed 8 lb. 9 oz. and was 19 1/2" long. Just a beautiful baby. He looked a lot like AJ. It took awhile for me to all him Dallas and not AJ! Andy and AJ spent the night together and then came and got us the next morning. Dallas slept in my room on my chest all night. It was a very special time.
He took to nursing right away and switches from bottles to nursing easily. He was very fussy the first 2.5 months and then we added formula and he started being more active and now at 4.5 months he is very happy. He hates the car and he loves to be outside.
AJ loves to pickup Dallas and carry him around. It makes me nervous but he is careful. He really loves his little brother. He is very good at entertaining Dallas. It makes getting things done easier sometimes.
AJ is a sunbeam now. He loves to go to church. Last month he gave a 1 minute talk in sacrament meeting. He is such a ham.
This week I stopped in primary and he got to choose a song. His song leader pointed out that mommy was in the back and he should sing real loud for his mom. As loud as he could he sang, "I have a family" over and over again (the song is supposed to continue "here on earth..etc") Every one was having a hard time singing the actual words. When the song was over he ran to the back of the room and gave me a huge hug! It made me feel special.
Tonight AJ was eating lasagne with us and he got too much in his mouth and almost choked. He ept that mouthful in and had one left on his plate. We asked him to just eat one more bite. he didn't want to so when he did finally stick it in there the little stinker threw up his whole dinner all over himself. Teach us to try to get AJ to eat!
One funny story about AJ happened probably almost a year ago. We were at Eldon and Diane's place and a fly was on the table in the living room. AJ really liked to stomp out bugs - hard. So we said, hey AJ, get that bug. He picked up his little barefoot and smashed it down on the coffee table -- hard. And started crying. It was SO funny to watch that I could hardly stop laughing to console him.
AJ and Taylor are best buddies. It has been nice to have Ben and Laura close. Laura and I walk every morning 1.5-2 miles while AJ and Taylor play. It's been good for all of us.
Hopefully it won't be so long before I write again.
It has been 8 years since I've written almost to the day. So much has happened. I don't know where to start.
Andy and I got married October 4, 1988 on a Tuesday morning. It was a beautiful ceremony at the Jordan River Temple. I graduated from Utah State University in Business Information Systems in June of 1991.
AJ was born August 28, 1991 and Dallas was born March 27, 1995. We have lived in Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan (2 different places), Moscow, Idaho, Cedar City and St. George. And we are hoping to buy a home any day now in Hurricane, Utah.
Andy has been the sports editor for almost a year at the Daily Spectrum. It has kept him really busy this year.
Dallas was born Monday, March 27, 1995. We went into the hospital about 7 a.m. and by 8 a.m. they put me on the pit drip to induce labor. At 10 a.m. they broke my water which is when labor gets painful and it took until noon to get an epidural. At 1 p.m. they moved us over to a delivery room and by 1:40 p.m. Dallas was born. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3X so they had to stop him and cut the cord before they delivered him.
He weighed 8 lb. 9 oz. and was 19 1/2" long. Just a beautiful baby. He looked a lot like AJ. It took awhile for me to all him Dallas and not AJ! Andy and AJ spent the night together and then came and got us the next morning. Dallas slept in my room on my chest all night. It was a very special time.
He took to nursing right away and switches from bottles to nursing easily. He was very fussy the first 2.5 months and then we added formula and he started being more active and now at 4.5 months he is very happy. He hates the car and he loves to be outside.
AJ loves to pickup Dallas and carry him around. It makes me nervous but he is careful. He really loves his little brother. He is very good at entertaining Dallas. It makes getting things done easier sometimes.
AJ is a sunbeam now. He loves to go to church. Last month he gave a 1 minute talk in sacrament meeting. He is such a ham.
This week I stopped in primary and he got to choose a song. His song leader pointed out that mommy was in the back and he should sing real loud for his mom. As loud as he could he sang, "I have a family" over and over again (the song is supposed to continue "here on earth..etc") Every one was having a hard time singing the actual words. When the song was over he ran to the back of the room and gave me a huge hug! It made me feel special.
Tonight AJ was eating lasagne with us and he got too much in his mouth and almost choked. He ept that mouthful in and had one left on his plate. We asked him to just eat one more bite. he didn't want to so when he did finally stick it in there the little stinker threw up his whole dinner all over himself. Teach us to try to get AJ to eat!
One funny story about AJ happened probably almost a year ago. We were at Eldon and Diane's place and a fly was on the table in the living room. AJ really liked to stomp out bugs - hard. So we said, hey AJ, get that bug. He picked up his little barefoot and smashed it down on the coffee table -- hard. And started crying. It was SO funny to watch that I could hardly stop laughing to console him.
AJ and Taylor are best buddies. It has been nice to have Ben and Laura close. Laura and I walk every morning 1.5-2 miles while AJ and Taylor play. It's been good for all of us.
Hopefully it won't be so long before I write again.
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