This was my attempt at making fun at my job. My gossip column. I only did it once because I was afraid people would recognize themselves and I'd get in trouble! Justice?! The month started out quite exciting with a trial on September 3, State of Utah vs. B. P. B. was charged with speeding on Telegraph road (which he DID NOT DO!!! He is a respected, retired Grandpa, he doesn't HAVE TO BE ANYWHERE in a hurry!!!). He spent 40 minutes slandering Officer Kiwi’s good name before he was found guilty. He even was successful in ruffling the feathers of our substitute prosecutor who told the defendant he didn’t feel bad about “wasting” his time as it was HIS fault we were all here in the first place. If he would obey the speed limit and /or pay his violations once caught we could have avoided this whole fiasco. The prosecutor later apologized to the judge for losing his cool. ...