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05/30/02 Letter from Deanna and to Deanna


Dear Shelly,

Wednesday was a very bad, terrible, awful day - the tests themselves were not
bad, but the stuff you have to take and have done to you prior to the actual
tests are not so much fact, they are no fun at all.  The "sick
feeling" doesn't just go away when the test is done...I still feel awful

I had to drink barrium for 2 hours prior to the test...(CT Scan).  While
drinking the stuff, they inserted an IV (2 sticks - the first one did not
work), and then injected me with something for the Bone Scan...I had to wait
extra long for the CT Scan and they used the IV to give me the contrast dye
part way through the test...then I had to wait for the Bone took a
while to do.  For both tests, I had to lay on my back on a hard surface (I
don't lay on my back even on a comfortable bed - so that was an ordeal).
Diahrea set in somewhere in the middle of things from the liquid I was
drinking.  Straining to get on and off the tables was very productive.  My
clothes were a mess.  Add to the mix, the sore throat and cough have not gone
away - so I was fighting for air much of the time.  I really had to control
myself to keep from having a real panic attack.  Just or anyone else
getting the same stuff done would probably have no difficulty at all.  It
took up the whole day.  I had not eaten and did not feel like eating, but was
just very upset.

Ruth saw your dad out in the yard by the pool after we came back.  She
invited us to dinner.  I ate and was glad for the invite.  I might not have
eaten otherwise.  I just felt awful.  We had stopped on the way back from the
tests and I had your dad get me 2 Jamba Juice containers of drink.  I was
working on one before, during and after dinner.  When I came back to the
house I drank the second one during the evening.

I am drinking lots of fluids to flush this stuff thru my system.  Being on
water pills should help - but this stuff gives you the runs...when I had the
test prior to the surgery 11 years ago, they did not tell me to drink lots of
fluids.  We came out here for your graduation from Utah State in Logan.  I
was passing cement blocks for weeks...and feeling awful.  Hopefully it won't
last so long or be so painful this time with drinking lots of fluids.

No test results will be available until I see the doc next week.

Sorry to be so slow to report.  I just couldn't cope last night.  Every time
I tried to do anything, I failed miserably.  One thing I know for sure, the
tear ducts are working just fine.  End of pitty party.  Have a great day!

Love Mom

Reply, May 30, 2002:
Sounds awful.  I'm sorry you have to go through that crap.  It's too bad life can't just be easy isn't!  Seems like there is always something.  We really enjoy having you around though so I hope you'll continue to go through the crap so they can keep you around as long as possible!!!!  

Things are good here.  We have been having a "tire" moment again.  Seems like we always are though.  Last Saturday we replaced the tire on the car that didn't pass inspection.  Sunday after church we decided to go for a drive and the van starting making an awful noise.  The tread was coming off the tire.  2 more new tires on Tuesday morning(everybody closed on Monday).  

We went to New Harmony in the car for Monday morning brunch.  Tight fit.  Remember why we like the van so much.

We got our cement poured last week and now have a very nice double drive way.  I think I told you that but it's ok to repeat to your mother.

The carport will probably go in next Thursday and Friday - only problem being we'll probably be at your house.  (That may be a good thing - keep the kids out of the way, but we wont't be able to watch it going up)

We are planning to come up Thursday after I get off work I think.  May be later or Friday.  That we'll figure out as we get there.

The Eagle award thing is Friday evening at 7 at E&D's ward house.  We have Friday night Tony Roma's shop and Saturday a TGI Friday's shop.  Hope you'll join us.  We'll at least be able to pay for our own meals if you let us use your internet afterward!  

We also need to get some stuff at Sam's club while we are up there.  I think we'll leave Sunday morning like usual.  But there again, we'll see as it happens.  We really don't like to plan too much - everything goes how it's going to anyway!  

Then we'll be back June 19-21 but staying in a motel in South Provo.  Maybe the kids can come up over night without us or something.  We were thinking of going to the Water park in provo that week too.  I'll be in classes Wed, Thu and Fri all day but we'll have evenings and maybe Saturday.  I don't know if we'll come up and stay Friday night or be bushed and head home.  

We also want to take a trip maybe in July to Park City - go on the Heber Creeper and the Alpine slide etc.  We are still trying to work out details on that one.  Becky and Kevin were talking about camping up there about the same time - we will get a room - I'm not camping that far from home!!!!

There is a possibility that we'll be getting a camper - one of Andy's repo deals.  If that happened I might camp.  Course pulling a camper makes your trip take a LONG time cause you have to drive slower.  

(The deal with that is somebody gave Andy a car title and they owe him $550.  He went to get the truck or the $ and they said they would really like to keep the truck would he consider taking a camper instead.  We went and looked at it.  It is like 26' long - pretty big and has kitchen, bathroom, gas, electric but the table and beds from the one side are gone.  It's also dirty and would need considerable cleaning but it might be worth it.  Still working on that one.  We'd end up having to pay about $300 to keep it because the $550 would still need to be paid to the business less our cut).  We also considered selling it - probably worth more than $550 - paying off the business and buying a smaller nicer one.  Or not.  Just thinking about it at this time!

Well Katie is able to sit up mostly if you get her there.  She is eating cereal and applesauce and bananas now.  

Today is the last day of school and the kids are way excited.  Especially AJ.  We got a swim pool pass for the City pool so they are hoping to spend every day there.  Told the little boys they could go up alone if they could prove they could swim the length of the pool alone.  Don't imagine they'll be going up alone this year!  At least not for a month or so.  

Well I hope you get feeling better soon.  Really wish you didn't have to go through all this.  I love you!!!!  Take care of yourself.  See you next weekend...that is ok if we come stay then, isn't it?  See ya. Sg.


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