It's been a busy couple of weeks since I wrote. As I knew would be the case I'm finding it difficult to write weekly like I did while Bryce was on his mission. I'll start with Katie. Volleyball is keeping her busy beyond what I thought it would. She of course practices every day after school unless there is a game. On game nights she usually comes home for an hour or so and then goes back to school. For away games she is often gone until 10 p.m. or even a little later. For home games it's usually at least 2 hours. She seems to really enjoy it and so far hasn't gotten overwhelmed or frustrated or complained about the schedule. She has managed to maintain very high grades (I think she has all As still?!) and keep up her band stuff too. Although she did have to miss a performance so she has to do extra performances to make up for missing. (Freshman aren't required to go to pep-band at football games -- but she will need to d...