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Showing posts from September, 2016

09/25/16 Fall Fun

It's been a busy couple of weeks since I wrote.  As I knew would be the case I'm finding it difficult to write weekly like I did while Bryce was on his mission.   I'll start with Katie.  Volleyball is keeping her busy beyond what I thought it would.  She of course practices every day after school unless there is a game.  On game nights she usually comes home for an hour or so and then goes back to school.  For away games she is often gone until 10 p.m. or even a little later. For home games it's usually at least 2 hours.  She seems to really enjoy it and so far hasn't gotten overwhelmed or frustrated or complained about the schedule.  She has managed to maintain very high grades (I think she has all As still?!) and keep up her band stuff too.  Although she did have to miss a performance so she has to do extra performances to make up for missing.  (Freshman aren't required to go to pep-band at football games -- but she will need to d...

09/11/16 Week of water fun!

09/11/16 Things are so busy right now it's hard to remember what happened even a short week ago!  Last Monday was Labor Day so everyone had OFF except Andy had to work, boooo!   I got up early and walked with Linda because all the rec center classes were cancelled for the holiday.  Katie had volleyball practice from 9 to 11 so after our walk I rounded up the twins and Holly and took Katie to practice and then we went to Linda's house and met her and her 4 grandkids and swam at the pool until 11.  It was super fun and the kids all had a great time.  Linda's grandchildren are little so each of the big kids got a little kid to play with.  Everyone claimed their own baby.  It makes it a lot easier for them to swim because otherwise it's a handful to watch that many little ones! We planned our annual water balloon fight for Monday evening so we went and found balloons at the store and then spent about 2 hours filling balloons.  We tried to fi...

09/04/16 Labor Day Weekend

09/04/16 Stage one of home made pizza...buns are rising!  Monday night was Sharpie night!!  We had dinner over at the Sharp's house.  We brought homemade pizza and they made brownies and had watermelon and lemonade.  Afterward we went to their community swimming pool and played for about an hour.  It is amazing how quickly our kids are all growing up!  When I first met Landon and Emily our kids were pretty young and she had a baby or two and was pregnant.  Now her kids are 4-9 years old and my boys are all gone and the girls are teenagers.  (12 & 14)  The kids don't see a lot of each other and don't have much in common due to age gap but they seem to enjoy playing together and having fun anyway.  It was a really nice evening! Katie had a team dinner this week on Wednesday and they went to one of her teammates homes and had a meal together.  Afterward she went to YW and then had to come home and hurry and ...