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09/25/16 Fall Fun

It's been a busy couple of weeks since I wrote.  As I knew would be the case I'm finding it difficult to write weekly like I did while Bryce was on his mission.  

I'll start with Katie.  Volleyball is keeping her busy beyond what I thought it would.  She of course practices every day after school unless there is a game.  On game nights she usually comes home for an hour or so and then goes back to school.  For away games she is often gone until 10 p.m. or even a little later. For home games it's usually at least 2 hours.  She seems to really enjoy it and so far hasn't gotten overwhelmed or frustrated or complained about the schedule.  She has managed to maintain very high grades (I think she has all As still?!) and keep up her band stuff too.  Although she did have to miss a performance so she has to do extra performances to make up for missing.  (Freshman aren't required to go to pep-band at football games -- but she will need to do a couple of those games).  She is also practicing piano as much as ever as she plays for seminary about 1/2 the time and doesn't want to mess up or have to play the same couple of songs.  She is in hope squad and student council still.  Not sure how she is doing it but she is!  

Holly is settled in over at FRIS (Fossil Ridge Intermediate School) and seems to also really enjoy it there.  She is doing piano lessons and the Robotics team (I'll have to go watch a competition before I'll be able to say what that even is?! Haha).  She also has all As for grades and has a pretty happy temperament most of the time. I think she likes being the only child -- since Katie's gone most of the time and we no longer have boys!  It's so strange to find ourselves with nobody around or just one or two.  

Andy is of course beyond busy with sports season.  He's around the house but often has to check out to post a story or take a call or whatever.  

We are enjoying pickleball a couple of nights a week still with the McAllisters and we asked another couple, Mark and Deanna Francis (I knew them from the gym) and we played them this past week.  They may start joining us for doubles. 

Friday September 16, Katie and I went to the ward Camp Out (but only for dinner, no sleeping out) with the Taylor's -- Rog, Laurissa and Cassidy.  They had hot dogs and hamburgers -- the rest of the pot luck was just ok.  Nothing too exciting.  We went a property in Leeds that was pretty amazing.  I had been out there when the boys were little for cub scouts and it was just a big piece of land.  They have added climbing walls, bounce house, rocket ride, just tons of stuff to make it like an amusement park.  Even the big kids -- Katie and Cassidy and others found fun things to do and played out there in the dark for quite awhile.  Afterward we came home and watched a movie with them You before me.  We had a fun night. 

Holly went to the twins birthday party Friday night and hung out with the twins Saturday too. 

Saturday morning Katie had a tournament in Cedar City.  She had to leave at about 6:30 a.m. We of course didn't go up that early.  They played several matches and then we made it up for the final one that was about 1 p.m.  Katie was kind of tired and was having a little bit of a rough day.  We gave her a chocolate bar before the game (smiles!!!) and then afterward took her to Dickie's for lunch and then came home. Bonding time!  

Sunday we went to church and sang in the choir and I played piano for relief society.  We came home and had a quick lunch and then they took me over to the shuttle to get up to Provo for BCI conference.  I had planned to drive but I hate driving and Andy didn't feel good about it so at the last minute we arranged a shuttle ride up and hitch a ride home with Chuck and Rosemary Marshall from OMS probation services.  Both rides were much more pleasant than expected.  The shuttle was fairly empty -- 4 passengers -- so we each had our own row.  I was able to read and nap and chill and the miles went quickly.  Aj picked me up at the Walmart in Orem and then treated me to his home made cafe rio pork with his roommates.  After dinner we went for a drive up the Provo Canyon to Squaw peek.  We took some pictures and walked around a little bit. Then he took me down to my hotel and we walked around Provo a little before he headed home to get ready for his busy week. Monday I sat with Chuck and Rosemary all day and then came home with them.  It was so fun to get to know them better.  Chuck was diagnosed (finally) with lyme disease -- he's been sick for over a year -- and they are trying to figure out how to make him better.  He is optimistic things will improve.  Chuck was a mormon as a young child. His mom converted to Jehovah's Witness.  He's from California.  Rosemary came from New York and moved to California.  They met at Jehovah's Witness activities and married.  Then at some point moved to Utah and converted to Mormon.  Anyway, the miles went quickly and it was a lot of fun.  We ate at Cafe Rio and I got to see their OMS office in Cedar City.  
Came home and played pickleball right after - felt good to stretch the legs!
Wednesday, September 21 while we were eating dinner we got a call that Dallas had lost his job.  He was pretty upset and we were pretty worried about things.  Nothing is really resolved at this time but I feel like things are going to be ok.  He will get unemployment benefits and can work part time while he looks for a good full time job.  This is going to be a challenge for Dallas and McK but they are really pulling together and seem to have faith that things will work out.  Not sure what the reason is for this but I know that they will learn and grow from the experience and believe they already have.  I think this is the biggest challenge in their lives so far but they are handling like champs and have had a really good attitude as the job search begins. 

Friday night both girls went to the Pine View Football game (Dallas was filming there too).  Andy went out to Desert Hills. Marlee and Bryce went to a concert in the park.  I got a quiet evening (for hour or two).  I mowed the lawn and then came upstairs and watched the movie Twister.  Not long after the movie started everybody came back and watched the end with me.  Except Andy -- his game went long and of course he works all night after games.  

Saturday did spin class and a little more yard work and then Costco with Holly.  We had fun fighting the crowds together and picking up a few things.  Came home and watched BYU game and then all the girls went over to Laura's church and had dinner and Women's Broadcast.  It was a nice meal - sandwiches, chips, veggies and a chocolate and then we watched the broadcast -- which was excellent.  Very inspiring messages - We need to have Charity and be kind to others. We need to have Christ help us meet our challenges - know the doctrine of Christ and then follow it. Prepare for the storms that are coming -- Mormon 8 describes our day and there are many challenges ahead. We need to rejoice and be optimistic and do the things we know we should do: read the scriptures, pray daily, participate in the sacrament, FHE, family prayer, family proclamation -- teach our children correct principles.  Dieter Uchtdorf was probably my favorite.  His message was to have Faith.  Work hard. Keep trying.  God rewards those that seek him.  Don't give up.  He will increase you 1000X and bless you.  What a great promise. Afterward they handed out Hagen daa's ice cream bars.  It was a very nice evening and I felt at peace and happy when it was over. 

I feel so blessed to have a wonderful family who works hard and enjoys working hard at learning and growing and accomplishing the things they are working on.  I am sometimes overwhelmed by the things we are doing and all the places we need to go -- I'm trying to take better care of myself (eating better, exercising) so that I can handle life better.  I am thankful for my family who is always with me even if only in thought -- I know we can rely on one another and at the end of the day we can all come home to a loving environment and be accepted and buoyed up. 


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