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Showing posts from January, 2012

01/29/12 EFY & talent show

Beautiful sunset 1/29/12 Wow -- busy great week! We went to EFY yesterday.  There was about 6 boys and 6 girls.  The boys were pretty disappointed in their turnout (they thought they would have 12 kids) but I was happy with the YW -- I thought 5 and got 6!  And in chruch today we had 7!!!  Only had 2 missing Laurels and one of them was out of town.  Not sure where the other one was but that's about the best turnout ever.  Pres Ellsworth spoke and he did a really great job, as usual.  He really connects well with the youth. The talks we had were on Laughing (Enjoying life), Law of Chastity and Arise and shine forth.  I will have to type up the Law of Chastity talk notes I have sometime and send those to you.  Really great talk (not that I think you need it -- you were always good at following the rules) but it might be a good talk for you to give out in the mission field if the opportunity arises. After EFY the kids came ...

01/23/12 Kalua Pork Recipe

1/23/12 ONE OF OUR FAVORITE MEALS: Kalua Pork, Yumm! Get a pork roast (we usually get about 3 lb roast). Mix together equal parts of salsa and brown sugar.  (1 cup salsa with 1 cup brown sugar for example).  Pour mixture over the roast BEFORE you cook it.  Leave it alone and so many hours later,  ummmm ... like candied meat.  No wonder it's so good, eh?! Cook it for 6-8 hours on really low heat.  Crock pot on low (about 200 degrees I think). I don't know if you can make this due to you not having an oven or a crock pot or anything cool like that.  But this is actually really easy to do if you want to pass it on to Sis C.  Maybe she can cook it for you. Also the tortillas that I make are also very easy...Just flour, baking soda, water, shortening...something like that.  Any recipe off the internet would work.  Let me know if you want one of those too.  (Much easier to just buy tortillas but t...

01/22/12 Ugh flu. Dad misses first broadcast ever.

1/22/12 Well we survived the week. But just barely.  Ha ha.  Dad made it through flu # 1 and flu #2 hit him.  Hard.  On Wednesday.  Poor guy threw up for good solid 12 hours.  I think he counted 14 times.  It was horrible.  Horrible. H O R R I B L E!  So bad that the acid burned his throat and he can hardly talk.  And it's 4 days later.  He had to take off Thursday and Friday (besides being tired his voice is just not good).  We are hoping he can talk in the a.m. although today he still doesn't sound good.  Certainly not a radio worthy voice! So Katie got it Sunday I think.  And Monday was Martin Luther King day so she didn't even miss school.  I saw the writing on the wall and have been afraid to eat all week.  Hit me Friday night.  Luckily not nearly as bad as Dad.  I only had 2 episodes in about a 4 hour period.  I had fever and chills and aches etc and stayed in bed for about 3...

01/15/12 BYU basketball for the boys & practical joke at work

1/15/12 Well Sunday has just about finished itself off! Today was kind of a lighter Sunday (only had BYC -- which is pretty brief) and church. The boys and Dad went to BYU for a basketball game yesterday and got home at 1 a.m. this a.m.  Dad has got some kinda cold/flu thing going and has been in bed all day today. Seriously.  I thought he'd be all chipper when I got home from church but he was looking like death warmed over.  Poor thing.  Hopefully after a full day of sleep he'll be back to himself tomorrow. Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day so we all have the day off.  YEAH!!!  Treasure the time off lately! Didn't go to the Grandparents today.  Dad didn't feel good and they wanted to come down here and visit a ward member who was in the hospital.  Worked out. Sister Holt (Ferrin's wife) was diagnosed with breast cancer this past week.  She is having a mastectomy on Monday and whatever else treatment that...

01/08/12 Holly gets dunked!

1/8/12 What a great day!  Holly was absolutely bubbling over all day long so excited to get baptized.  She really was glowing.  They sang the baptism song...I like to look for rainbows and she belted it out with all her heart and soul.  Turned out there was only 2 baptisms yesterday (usually there are at least 4 or 5 and sometimes as many as 10 or 12) but the chapel was still pretty full.  Several people commented on what great support those 2 little girls had.   Good thing we didn't wait any longer. She just barely fit in the baptism dress that Katie wore (handed down from the Schnabel's made by their grandma).  She looked beautiful. Dallas gave the talk on baptism and I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.  Nice short meeting.  We were ready to dunk Holly by 20 after 5 (the other little girl got dunked first).  We passed around the cards for people to write notes to Holly and she got a lot of loving kind words of suppor...

01/01/12 Katie gets her own community center pass

1/1/12 Wow it was so great to see you and talk to you and "hang" with you last week!  That was so great!  Sounds like we were lucky.  Everyone else was saying they were given 40 minute time limits in the other missions.  Several were only able to phone and not skype and one of my friends told me the calling card ran out so they didn't even get to talk that long either. We had a good week.  The girls are loving the shoes you sent and the fans and the boys have the change purses and lanyard (?).  They are going to put the machetes on the mancave wall and we are in search of a frame for the picture you sent.  All in all a pretty awesome package! It's been nice not having things to do this week.  I still worked but Dad's been off and the girls don't have any activities.  Dallas has worked all week and his mono is back (or still here, or whatever you want to say).  Took him in to the dr. yesterday because his tonsils ar...