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01/15/12 BYU basketball for the boys & practical joke at work

Well Sunday has just about finished itself off!

Today was kind of a lighter Sunday (only had BYC -- which is pretty brief) and church.

The boys and Dad went to BYU for a basketball game yesterday and got home at 1 a.m. this a.m.  Dad has got some kinda cold/flu thing going and has been in bed all day today. Seriously.  I thought he'd be all chipper when I got home from church but he was looking like death warmed over.  Poor thing.  Hopefully after a full day of sleep he'll be back to himself tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day so we all have the day off.  YEAH!!!  Treasure the time off lately!
Didn't go to the Grandparents today.  Dad didn't feel good and they wanted to come down here and visit a ward member who was in the hospital.  Worked out.

Sister Holt (Ferrin's wife) was diagnosed with breast cancer this past week.  She is having a mastectomy on Monday and whatever else treatment that entails.  Scary.  She didn't come to church today. (She just found out Friday).  I think she didn't want to hear everybody saying what everybody says.  It is hard to take sometimes.

We got 3 new girls in our ward today.  Only turns out they are only part time in our ward.  So it may be a challenge to keep track of when they are here and when they are not.  Their dad has been in IRAQ and their mom lives in Cedar City so they will be back and forth but they didn't know what the schedule would be.  Sounds like it might be random.  They are 14, 15 and 16.

We had 10 girls out last week to Wednesday night so things are good I guess.  Seems like everybody is just a little flaky.  Come one week, not the next, etc.  Oh well.  Just keep plugging along.

We have EFY toward the end of the month and baptisms for the dead.  New Beginnings soon too.  Lots going on, always.

Brother Eves and Brother Stevens (sam) are still our home teachers.  They came by today and were asking about you.

The girls got curlers for Christmas and so we have been curling up their hair 1 or 2x a week.  It looks really cute.  Katie is such a funny girl.  Seems that if you don't really dry her hair good and only put a little hair in each curler her hair doesn't curl well.  The other day we hadn't dried it good and had too much in the curlers so her hair came out...well...kinda flat.  She got this mean grumpy look on her face and was pretty mad.  Ah, teenager years are coming on too quickly.  We had a "talk" about how we all have "bad hair days" and you just gotta suck it up and not let it ruin your day (or all those around you, as was the case this morning!!!).

Sister Porter gave a great lesson today about always living as though Christ were in the room with you.  Would you watch that TV show if Christ was with you?  Would you read that book? Listen to that music?  Dress that way?  Leave messes, yell at your kids, get mad at your co-worker...etc.  She said she had been trying to live the last week always asking herself if she would act differently if Christ were there with her.  She challenged us to try it.  Very good lesson.

Well I hope you have had another great week.  Keep looking for you on the website but so far no pictures of New Year's.  You seem to be expert at avoiding Sister Carlos' camera.  Cut that out!

The girls are enjoying the movies you sent today...I can't remember if it was Shrek or sponge bop...anyway, one was in Tagalog and that didn't last long.  The other is in English and they are enjoying that.

Anything you need?  Were you in on the teasing of Sister Martinez recently?  There was a story on the website that Bro Carlos (I think) told the girls they were transferring one of the sisters.  They got upset and they said they were teasing them they were really transferring Sister M.  Again they all cried and stuff and then they were like, no just kidding.  I don't think that went over very well with the girls?!  I'm sure they guys enjoyed it though!

Oh yeah, and that reminds me of the fun I had this week at work.  So this guy came in with a $165 warrant for a window tint violation.  He was supposed to get his ticket signed and turned into me by early December.  Apparently he had it signed and stuck it in his pocket.  Fastforward 6 weeks, and there is a warrant out for his arrest.  So he came in and told me his tale of woe and I called the judge.  He of course can't hear what the judge is saying (which is to dismiss the ticket and tell him to not be a knot head in the future).  So I hang up the phone and seriously look at him.  He says, well, what did the judge say???? And I say, well, he told me to call some officers and have you arrested.  I wait about 20-30 seconds and then smile and say, I'm just kidding, he told me to dismiss your ticket.  The guy all but doubles over and holds his stomach and he's like ... oh, you have no idea how bad you scared me.  I couldn't help but laugh and say, yeah, I know, I love my job.  Oh, I gotta stop doing that.  But man was it fun.

K, well Katie is begging for help with her dishes now and so I guess I'll go and see what I can do to help her.  You take care of yourself and make sure and tell us all about what great things happened this week!  

Love you lots. Mom.


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