I had the lesson today in church. Usually I finish up and have a ton of time left over. Today I only got through the first paragraph and then time was up. Sunday school was late and the girls were kinda silly and then the first part of my lesson was for everyone to "introduce" themselves and they all took up all the time. I got to say a couple of words and have a special musical # and it was over! Had lots of other good stuff that inspired me but didn't get to share it!
Wow it was so great to see you and talk to you and "hang" with you last week! That was so great! Sounds like we were lucky. Everyone else was saying they were given 40 minute time limits in the other missions.
Several were only able to phone and not skype and one of my friends told me the calling card ran out so they didn't even get to talk that long either.
We had a good week. The girls are loving the shoes you sent and the fans and the boys have the change purses and lanyard (?). They are going to put the machetes on the mancave wall and we are in search of a frame for the picture you sent. All in all a pretty awesome package!
It's been nice not having things to do this week. I still worked but Dad's been off and the girls don't have any activities. Dallas has worked all week and his mono is back (or still here, or whatever you want to say). Took him in to the dr. yesterday because his tonsils are HUGE again. So he is starting on new meds and trying to get better fast so he can get busy with school again.
Katie got a card to the rec center this week. She was so excited to finally be 10 and get her own card! She hasn't gotten to use it yet but she is way excited to get over there. She can go with friends and no parents now. Crazy!?
This new year has brought a new schedule to our meetings. We are back at the 9 a.m. time. So now there are some days the meeting is before church, other days after. Today dad has both (maybe he always will, not sure). Anyway it's kind of all topsy turvy trying to get on a new schedule. I am hoping ward council won't take all afternoon now that there is no meeting to stop it from going on and on!
Dallas is making cookies and keeps coming in and asking me to come help him -- so I guess I better get. I'm sure I'll help with Dad's letter later!
Love you tons. Glad you are doing so well. Can't wait to hear from you again. Hope you don't get split ... I really like your comp, he seems cool and like a good match with you!
XOXO mom.
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