06/28/15 Did you have a fun 19th birthday! Did you do anything out of the ordinary or special? Did your box arrive from us and from Gma? Bryce's 13th Birthday Last Sunday we went to the homecoming of Devin Shelley. There was so many people there -- the house was like standing room only. Ugh! Too many people for me! He did a nice job on his talk and then we went to the house and she served KFC chicken since he went to Kentucky. Cute, huh!? We got to visit a little with their friends and then come home. It is so hot that no one could even go outside. Temps have been over 100 up to like 111 this week. Bleh. Makes you not want to do much of anything! Katie went to the temple this week for YW and had a nice experience. Our YW is pretty small and there aren't many kids but so far she still enjoys going. A lot of kids quit going when they don't have a friend to latch on to. Glad she ...