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06/07/15 Camp & Endowments


Another busy week under our belts!  

Sunday after church we had our girls camp parents meeting and told everyone when/where/what etc for Girls camp coming up this week.  Afterward we went to Gma and pas house for dinner as usual. 

Monday was the Mees' farewell desert social.  They sold their house and are moving up to happy valley somewhere for employment.  They wanted to be closer to medical stuff for their baby and I think they have family there as well. Our neighborhood is pretty awesome...there were a ton of people there and it was a nice send off. 

Thursday the girls and I went to Girl Scout camp.  It ended up being at the Olsen's cabin (Dr. Kelly Olsen in our ward), instead of the usual place at the last minute.  Thanks to Dr. Olsen for generously allowing us to stay at no charge.  We had a really fun time and weather gave us some excitement too as we had down pours and lightning and thunder and electricity out for hours and such.  We were busy busy busy doing service project, making jewelry, painting, coloring, playing kickball, swinging on a big swing set, making and performing plays, eating, hiking, manicures.  Just really packed in lots of choices for the girls.  I think they all had a nice time. 

Holly injured her ankle falling down and it swelled up pretty good.  She enjoyed being pampered by all the dr's in training at camp and put her feet up and got taken care of for a little while.  Next morning she hiked a big long hike (lead hiker in the group) and came back to a REALLY swollen ankle.  But then one of the twins fell and got all scraped up and everyone had to pamper her!  Holly's fine...probably just a sprain.  Glad she was able to recover so quickly!  She loves showing off her "war wound". 

Saturday we got home about noon and at 2 p.m. had a luncheon with the Brenneman crew.  Got to meet her sister and family, her grandparents and her parents came too.  Her mom brought all the eats and we just supplied the house and soda and paper products.  Grandma and pa Griffin & Laurito came.  AJ was down too.  It was really good.  Really enjoyed meeting the rest of her family.  They are a fun group!

At 4:30 p.m. Dallas and McKayla went over to the temple and took out their endowments.  It was a special experience.  Our endowment was in a smaller room wider room then I remember.  Grandpa Griffin was the officiator and Grandma was the assistant up at the front.  So that was really neat.  Aunt Laura & Uncle Ben and Aunt Wendy also came.  It was really neat to have so much family around.  Brother & Sister Binder also came.  I think they both had a special experience.  I guess everybody was asking Dallas when/where he was going on his mission...and he said he was getting married, not going on a mission.  And they were like OOOOhhhhh, you're going on an eternal mission.  Dallas didn't get to bring McKayla through the veil yet because their wedding is too far off (has to be 7 days or less, they are at about 12 days.)  But they did get to go up to the sealing room and look in the forever mirrors and stuff.  It was a really special night.  Griffin's had to continue on with their shift at the temple so they got to mingle with us in the celestial room for just a few minutes and then they were off to other responsibilities. 

Afterward we went to menchi's and had ice cream.  We were all hungry still though so at 10 p.m. we had casadias made with love by dad -- just Laurito's and Aj and Dad and I.  D & M went over to her parent's house and had pizza.  Her parents have to head up to home today already.  

So the week flew by and was a good one.  

I had a member in your new area send me a picture of you and them.  That was cool!  I'm excited to hear about your new area and comp and experiences!  What are you thinking/feeling about getting a new mission president? That's only a couple weeks away!  Are you nervous? Excited? It seems like your current one is pretty awesome.  I hope you get one that you really enjoy and love working with! 

As you probably know, L Tom Perry died this week. He has said many great things of course.  I thought I'd find a Perry quote to end my letter.  He has a ton of great ones to choose from but here is one that pertains to missionary work: 

 “It should be “with great earnestness” (D&C 123:14) that we bring the light of the gospel to those who are searching for answers the plan of salvation has to offer. Many are concerned for their families. Some are looking for security in a world of changing values. Our opportunity is to give them hope and courage and to invite them to come with us and join those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord’s gospel is on earth and will bless their lives here and in the eternities to come” 
― L. Tom Perry

I pray that you will find those in need of hope and courage and be able to bring them into the knowledge of the gospel.  There is not many things that will bring you more peace and happiness then knowing that you have helped and lifted another.  

We are all praying for you and love you.  We enjoy reading your letters at Monday night pizza and hearing about your adventures and progress etc.  Anxiously awaiting to hear from you!!!

xoxo mom


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