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06/21/15 Wedding Bells - June 18, 2015 - Dallas and McKayla


This week has been a whirlwind of activity.  Last Sunday the kids sang in church for Father's Day.  Last father's day for dad having a kid in primary.  (We are having a lot of lasts this year as little Holly becomes a young woman!!!)

Monday and Tuesday were just usual busy work days.  Dad had to take the girls to the dentist for their cleaning.  No cavities!!!!

Wednesday morning we had to get up early and head to Salt Lake City.  Dad and Dallas met McKayla's dad and got their final fitting for their tuxes while the girls and I swam at Lauritos' house.  Ian and Eli joined us and Gma and pa got in a little bit too.  

Thursday morning we had to leave the house a little before 7 a.m. to head up to the temple.  Dallas and McKayla both went in while Dad and I walked around the temple grounds until 8:30 a.m.  We thought dad was going to get to go in with Dallas but they just took Dallas. Aj went in too because he was a witness. 

About 8:30 all the relatives started arriving.  Gma and pa Griffin, Gma and Pa Laurito, Becky and Kevin Chase,  Aunt Laura, Uncle Ben, Uncle Don & Aunt Pat.  AJ of course was already in there. I can't remember who else or if that was it.  The Brenneman's had some grandparents and aunts and uncles too.  

We all went up and they had a nice ceremony.  The sealer talked about the SL temple history and then they exchanged the vows and the rings.  He had them look into the mirrors.  It was very beautiful.  

Afterward they got changed and we all went outside and took tons of pictures.  

We met at Sweet Tomato's for lunch and had a nice turnout there...about 50 people total.  It was nice to have the food ready and it was fun to visit with everyone. 

In the afternoon we went to the pavilion and helped set up for the reception.  McKayla's mom decorated everything really cute and they had tons of yummy treats.  They had a really good turn out.  Marcus and Johnny Rachel and family were there and we got to visit with them.  It felt good to hang out with them...seems like it's been a long time.  Eldon and Diane were on an Elder Hostel so they didn't get to come at all.  By the time it was all done and over with it was pretty late.  We ate dinner about 10 p.m. and then got to bed by midnight.  Long day!  But a great one.

Friday we got up and headed south.  Dad had some work to do in Cedar City (summer games) so we stopped in Cedar for lunch at Sonny boy's BBQ (yummy!!!) and then went to soccer, track/field and ping pong events.  We brought Miranda (Rachel's daughter) with us and she is staying until Sunday when she will meet up with Eldon and Diane and go on a trip with them for Elderhostel. 

Saturday we got ready for and then had the reception.  What a busy day!  It was so fun to see so many people.  We had a really good turn out at our reception too.  I really enjoy seeing all the 8th ward people and the 3rd ward friends.  And now our 9th warders too.  We were a little worried no one would come but it was really good!

We are getting ready for Father's day today...Devin Shelley's homecoming is today and we'll stay for the luncheon there.  Tonight we are going to have cafe rio pork burritos.  It should be fun.  Gma and pa are going to Laura's so it's just going to be us at our house.  Dallas and McKayla will come too.  They are going to a Father's Day breakfast at her parents this morning. 

Marlee and her mom came yesterday.  It was good to see them.  She is getting ready for her mission and staying busy.  She wanted to take a picture of the cardboard Bryce but we never got it made.  We looked into doing it and it was going to be over $100 -- decided that was TOO much!  So she took a picture of us together.  You'll have to forward it back to me because I didn't get one with my camera!

Hope you've had a good week and are enjoying your new area!  

Love you lots!!! Mom


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