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08/29/99 Letter from Rebecca Chase and to Rebecca Chase

I have lots of mending that needs done but I don't think mom will be here long enough to help much with it.  The kids have clothes galore that need to be made into shorts or holes mended.

We had a fun weekend.  Aj enjoyed swimming at Sand Hollow Aquatic Center with his cousins.  We had cake and ice cream for his birthday.  He got lots of cool 8 year old stuff and had a great time.

In the late afternoon we went up to New Harmony and visited with Grandma and pa and Eldon and Diane came down.  They are still in a pretty bad way.  They went up and saw the place where Becca died.  They were really sad when they got to Griffins.  We spend the evening together- had pizza and hung out.  

Sunday I taught the lesson on Living a Virtous Life - which is the new unit we are on.  It went really well - it could have gone a little better but I ran out of time to get things done and had some things go wrong at the last minute - but I sent you a copy of the lesson as it WOULD have gone IF it had gone well and I think it is really awesome and you should do it. You are probably going, huh? Whatever.  But several mishaps happened - AJ dropped the cake before we ever got there - so they didn't get that part.  I forgot to bear my testimony cause I was nervous.  I didn't have anyone lined up to sing so they had to imagine.  That part was kind of lame.  

I think I am done rambling.  I am SOOOO glad my class is over.  I was so stressed out about it.  And it really wasn't that big a deal.  I had 18 people and they were very reverent the whole time.  ( I think they were embarrassed and didn't want to talk???)  Now I have to plan our combined YM/YW activity in 2 weeks.  We are going to split into 2 groups.  One will go outside and learn about car engines - where the oil goes, where the coolant goes etc and change a tire.  The other group will be in the kitchen making soft pretzels.  Then we'll switch.  That should take 20 minutes each class. Then we will go out side and have water balloon volleyball type thing.  Eat our pretzels and go home.  Sounds pretty fun to me - and it shouldn't be too much work.  I got balloons for 10 cents a pack of 12 several weeks ago and some rubber balls you blow up for $1 each.  I'll assign out the filling of balloons to one of my other leaders and I'll get all the pretzel stuff.  My friends husband works for a tire store and they'll bring the car and the expertise.  Should be awesome.

I am pretty excited about YW lately.  We had about 6 girls who never came all summer show up yesterday.  I know 3 of them are really excited about YW now and look forward to coming.  I still have about 6 other inactive girls to work on.  Plus I gotta keep these girls coming.  

From: Rebecca S Chase <
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 10:14:58 -0600

Hi--Mom's here so I haven't written in a few days.  Sorry to leave you

We have had a really nice visit.  We've painted and sewed and we still
aren't done yet.  She's leaving too soon!  Maybe she'll have time to come
back up here.  How much help could Ruth really need????  I suggested mom
bring the invalid up here on Wed so we can paint while all the kiddies
(all 3!!) sleep.  We'll see what happens.  I think they are planning to
come down on Friday to see you.  I don't know how long they'll stay.  I
know the wedding is on the 9th--not sure what day that is though.  And
mom is making the cake for that so....  Is the baptism Friday or
Saturday?  I thought it was the 3rd but that is Friday so it must be the
4th.  I don't think we'll come.  I wish you weren't so far away!

How was AJ's birthday?  Did he have a party?  I just reminded grams that
AJ's b-day was yesterday.  She thought it was Friday--she was a little
confused.  So she'll probably call tonight.

Ruth and Mike came up last night and we went out to dinner.  It was a
really yummy restaurant.  Italian and ribs in one place.  Mmmmm.

Walmart is having a reallly good deal on kids clothes again.  I got
Dillon 2 shirts that were $3 each and they are REALLY nice.  Mostly for
church but if he were in school they'd be perfect for that.  They didn't
have much in the way of girls' clothes.  I was bummed cause she's the one
that really needs stuff.  Oh well.  I'm sure she won't go nude!

Well, time to get ready for church I guess.  See ya.


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