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11/10/24 Election, 28 year Anniversary, 1 year Anniversary and a Sealing

Well I'm starting this early cause tomorrow morning I'm going walking extra early. But I'm still calling it 11/10.  

I'm gonna run through this week and see if anything was exciting.  But first...this picture...It just kills me! 

When church is just too much!

Haha.  I think that was at youth conference a couple of years ago and I think it's one of the Francis boys...but I couldn't swear to it! I know you're not supposed to take pictures in the chapel. 

But seriously...I couldn't resist!

Speaking of the Francis family. Today at 2:30 p.m. at the Red Cliff's Temple, they sealed Laith to their family. Laith will make child # 10 (or 12?)  (And he is 10 years old). 

Laith's mother died very unexpectedly within the last couple of years. Shortly thereafter his father was arrested and has been sentenced to spend the rest of his childhood and beyond (I don't know the # of years) in prison. He's a challenging child AND he got bumped around a little. One or two of Jessica's other sisters tried to take him but they couldn't handle him. So they invited him into their house. It hasn't been without all. He's had a lot of trauma for a boy his age but they are loving him and hopeful that he will thrive. 

It was really neat. I don't know that I've seen a sealing like this before. They brought in the mom and dad and Laith and they knelt around the alter and sealed them. Like 2-3 minutes - super fast. All the other children also came right at the last minute (I think they kept them out to keep reverence) but they just sat around the room wherever. (I really thought they should have saved them seats on the front row or let them also go to the alter. But they didn't) I really wonder if they realized because the sealer said, 

"I didn't know the whole primary was coming today!"  Epic line! haha

Francis Family 

I played pickleball this morning. Dad had a super rough night so he didn't come. His jumpy legs medicine didn't work and he didn't get to sleep until after 3 a.m. Poor guy!  He also got a new C-Pap (sleep apnea machine) so he was getting used to different head gear. All in all rough!

When I arrived they had 11 people (and needed 12) so they were happy to see me!  It's always a little weird for me when I first get there to mix with the group. But they were awesome and we had a fun morning. Missed dad tho!

After the sealing we drove up to Cedar City and picked up Holly and Erik (who turn 1 year old on Monday!!!  Happy Anniversary! Married 11/11/23) and went up to Parowan to High Voltage BBQ and enjoyed brisket, turkey, jalepeno sausage and fries. Cade (the owner) was giving free meals to veterans and Andy had been promoting it on the radio. He said he was going to go up we did!  Just for fun. Cade was very appreciative of the promotions and that Andy came. 

Wednesday 11/6/24 - marked 28 years with Washington City. Super cool, right?!  But also sometime in March 2025 marks 30 years with the retirement system (including Logan City). I could seriously retire any day now  (with a buy-out) and in March I've full blown made it! BUT that being said, I got 2 girls still on my insurance and a husband that has some affection for our local hospital (he must right, he keeps going there!!!!) SO I'm just going to keep my options open and think about other things but probably just gonna stay put for awhile longer. Also I got a couple of cars that I wasn't planning to have (Dang Ford Edge blowing up a year ago!) so I want to get those paid off before I retire as well. 

It's all good because I truly do love my job and enjoy going most every day. And with 4 weeks of vacation I can still do some pretty fun stuff while working. 

Play doh fun
Wednesday night for YW it was my turn to be in charge of the combined activity. I'm in charge once a quarter. We decided to do a babysitting night. We invited families in the ward to bring their kids over for 1.5 hours. Not a ton of time, but enough that they could go to dinner or shopping or a walk and have a little free time-- for free! 

Dylin Blaser and Chloe Felshaw
making pretzels with the kids 
Nicole and Theo Fink 
It turned out really great. We ended up with about a dozen kids. We set up 5 tables and do "centers" -- like Kindergarten. The kids had 15 minutes at each table. At the end we had a 5 minute clean up and 10 minutes of story time (to help them get ready for bed.)  It was a total hit!  The centers were: coloring, bounce off (and I-spy) games, cootie bug and mr potato head, play doh and pretzel making (and eating!!!) yum!  

Everyone says we should do it again. But I'm not so sure. I think word is going to get out about how great it was and then we'll struggle to keep them under control!  

Coloring Table
Cootie bug and Mr. Potato head
(Mr. P is most popular)

Mia Wilcox reading to the kids              

Tuesday was election day - and Trump won. I'm sure you heard!! He was winning Tuesday night but everyone was on pins and needles all night. Last time he was ahead when we went to bed but lost big time overnight. Not this time. He commandingly won. There is so much hatred and decisiveness in the world...I hope his security team can keep him safe. 

I had Healthy Utah this week as well - and was down about 10 lbs from last year. Yeah!  (I lost it all this past 5 weeks. I'm really trying to lose 17 lbs (or more) -- that's the magic number the sleep doctor said I should shoot for to help my mild sleep apnea. I am hoping to lose it by the end of the year but let's be honest. Thanksgiving and Christmas are tough times of year to try to behave.  I'm pretty committed.  I can do hard things and have done lots of hard things in life. SO I keep telling myself I got this and I can do it!  Go fight win!

My boss was out of town a good portion of this week so I've been busy doing court work trying to help them to stay up on their things. I had a big project where I was going through all the old warrants and recalling them and sending them to the state collection agency. Took me several days but I think I got it all done. I'm not confident the state collection can do much but hey, we didn't either! Some of those warrants were over 10 years old! 

I'm sure there was more this week but that's all I can think of! Your pictures of Spain looked amazing. What a super great adventure you are on. I'm so glad you are enjoying it!  Hard to believe you'll be back in Utah in just 3 weeks! What?!  Remember to love every last minute of it! 


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