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10/06/24 Repairs, Funeral, Marathon, Retirement Party, Car Show, Murder Mystery, Dr Visits, Pets, Food & Church. O my!

Macy Bundy, Hudson Jones,
Emily Francis
It's been a wonderful, packed week with good stuff going on all around. Sunday during church I went to Andy's class for 1/2 of the second hour. The kids are nine and kind of a handful sometimes...but there was only three and they were pretty cute and fun. After Andy taught his class he went to Primary singing time and I went to the second half of a combined YW/YM class. 

We had Sunday dinner with Randy & Kay, AJ, GPA, and us. Eldon and Diane are on an Elderhostel trip and will be gone for a couple Sundays with other responsibilities. Andy smoked drumsticks and I made homemade bread and cookies (both new recipes). All of our dinner was SO GOOD!!!!  Sometimes it just works, and this was one of those! YuM!

Raspberry filled cookies
Delicious homemade bread

Bryce and Marlee and Mo left fairly early on Sunday morning. They went out to Enterprise to see her brother's kids in the primary program. They had lunch and then stopped at Holly and Erik's place on the way home and from the looks of the pictures they absolutely LOVED playing with the ferrets! Just a fun fact: Mo loves to wear hats!

Marlee and Duke
Mo and Duke


Monday after work we picked up some pizza at costco and went to Gpa's house. It was just the four of us (GPA, AJ, Andy and Me). We spent a little while finishing trimming up the bushes in GPA front yard. He didn't want to start anything big since it's not quite the right season to trim some of his trees. 

Afterward we headed to Randy and Kay's house and spent a little while trimming up some trees of theirs that had grown into their house roof and over their neighbors fence. We talked about some changes they want to make to their yard and referred them to our lawn guy. Later in the week they told us they had set an appointment with our guy and are going to have some changes made in their back yard.  Fun!!! We'll get to hear about that in the next month or two. 

My swing broke when I sat on it last Sunday. (The material was so sun damaged it just ripped.) In it's defense, the swing is probably 10 years old and has sat out in the St George sun for all those years. I thought it would be fairly easy to switch out the cover and buy new cushions.  I could do that for approx $75. Cheaper than the $200 replacement price of a new swing. And while I don't use my swing as much as I would like, I do love it and didn't want to just not have one.  I ordered everything and then tried to get the dang thing apart. I worked on it several days and got pieces and parts apart but couldn't get the whole thing apart!  I finally gave up and begged Andy to help me!

One of the stubborn bolts on the porch swing.

Some rivots that are very attached!

Tuesday at work I was working on an incentive program we had put out a couple of months ago. We told all the employees that they had to complete a customer service training. If they completed by September 30 they got a $25 gift card to a local business. Otherwise they still have to complete it in order to get raises etc but no extra incentive. My boss thought only a few would. I thought most would. Turns out most did!  Out of 211 full time employees, 172 got it done. So after the count was in I headed to local stores and bought $4500 worth of gift cards!  I got them from Regatta's (pizza place), Rumbi's (hawaiian); In & Out Burger; 7 brothers (island/burger place); Chipotle (mexican); Culver's (burger) and Whammer's (a new gas station that is also selling Washington City puzzles). 

It was a nice variety of choices and fun to go around and ask the employees what they would like! It took awhile to get all those gift cards made up!  I got 180 total (a couple of extras in case any errors were made). 

Once I had all the cards I grouped them by department and then distributed the ones in our building myself and let the department heads of the others distribute their own. It is really fun to take someone a gift card. So many happy people!

This past week we noticed that Andy's pinkie toe was purple/blue...miscolored...not right. Since he can't feel it he doesn't complain about it. Since he doesn't complain, we both kind of forgot!!!  We noticed it again Tuesday night and I realized this isn't something to mess with and made sure to get a reminder to get him in to a dr. Wednesday morning I called a foot dr (our old one had left a couple years ago). I found a dr who seems to be really great. I told the receptionist that his toe was purple and she said come today!!! (good answer, right?!)

SO they got him in and he went over by himself because I had a meeting at the same time. The dr carved on his toe a little. Said he had an infection and bandaged him up. He gave him some antibiotics and told him to come back soon. They are going to cut the tendon in his toe to allow his toe to lie down in his shoe. (The toe curls up and rubs the shoe, that's why he had the sore, that become infected). 
I'm thankful we got that figured out before he got sick again -- this is exactly the type of thing that has led to sepsis in the past. 

Wednesday evening for YW we did a murder mystery game and it was cute and fun. The kids dressed up, read clues and figured out the answer. It was a pretty cute and fun activity!

Grandma Joyce (Joyce Eardley)
hamming it up!

The suspects 

Thursday afternoon Andy had an appointment with the sleep dr (he had a sleep study last week).  And WHAT????  They said he DOESN'T have sleep apnea.  They said I had mild sleep apnea (just a week or two earlier!!) and I was WORSE THEN DAD?!  Nooo.  That is not right. We can't figure out what they are talking about. We asked them to reanalyze - because he snores really loudly.  They were going to take another look at the test and get back to us!  Ha! That was a big surprise! 

Thursday evening after dinner Andy and I worked together to tackle the swing project. Even with two of us it was still A PROJECT!!! Holy smokes! I think there was a total of 7 screws to take out and put back in but that thing was made to never come apart and didn't want to go back together either! 

Putting the seat back on the bars was like putting a baby through a balloon!!! It didn't want to go!!

After an hour and a half or so we finally got it!!! It felt good to accomplish our project together!

It's alive!!!! After several hours of work!!!

Friday was our 36th Wedding Anniversary. Andy did the unthinkable, rare thing and took a Friday evening off of football to spend the day with me!!!  It was fun! We wen to a movie: 

And then Paula's for dinner. Yum! We had a nice relaxing day together. (We did go to Europe for our anniversary trip earlier this year! haha) So it's ok that it wasn't an over the top day on the actual day!

Marathon Saturday - truly was a Marathon day!

Marathon - we started the day early.  We went over to the finish line of the St George Marathon about 6:30 a.m. Andy broadcast from about 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. He had several guests and was able to announce the winners of the male and female half and full marathon. This year was the hottest marathon ever!!! It got to 98 degrees!

Funny thing that happened: the winner of the female marathon crossed with the half marathoners...they didn't even see her come!! They had to call her back from the finish line and "cross" again -- she gets to run through a banner! haha

Also...saw lots of puke.  It was so hot people would come over the finish line and hurl and collapse!  Yikes!  Luckily not THAT many...but I saw several!

Mayor Randall coming to the finish of the
Mayor's walk

Sound guy, Huntsman World Senior Games Guy, 
and Andy

2022 Miss Senior Universe & Andy

Jimi Kesin and Andy

Broadcasting behind me!

Kelly (announcing racers as they finish)
 and the Sound Guy

Devry Richins (from our ward)
finishing the 13.1 half
marathon (purple shirt)

We got home from the marathon a little after 10 a.m. Poor dad was having issues getting conference to play on the radio so he had to mess with that. It took the better part of an hour to get everything working properly.  I changed into a dress and headed back over to the church next to the marathon for the funeral of Eliot Hill (I walk with his wife Linda every Sunday).  I was helping in the kitchen so I needed to be there the whole time. Andy was going to come but since he had issues I left him home. 

They had a really nice turnout. It was a celebration of life - so everything was in the gym. They had lunch and a video and some talking. It was very nicely done. By the time I left it was 2:30 p.m. and I was hot and sweaty!!!

Linda and Malcolm Hill

Heidi, Marissa, Linda, Kristelle

Funeral gathering

The Car Show started at 3 p.m. so there was no time to dilly dally!  I took a quick shower (like SO FAST!) and changed clothes again. Andy was judging the car show for the rotary club. (Not a paid gig..just a fun side part of his job).  He did get a t-shirt for his services! haha

Nikki, Ike and Andy
some of the judges

A fun surprise - they had a barbershop quartet singing the national anthem and a couple other songs at the beginning. They were excellent and two of them are our friends!!!

Craig Hurdman (left) and Tim Scott (3rd guy)

That ended and we went home to change AGAIN!!! At 5:30 p.m. Bud Long had a retirement party at our old stake center in Washington City.  They had a HUGE party and it was so fun to see so many people that we love from over there. I'll name a few...Sister Paxman, Sister Nila Richards, Sister Boone, Carnevale, Clarks, Taylors, Tarenelli, Meyers, Gwinn (he was the fire chief at Washington City a few years back)...I know there is more...I can't remember who else!  I also left my phone in the car and got no pictures. BUT Sister Long had a professional photographer and is going to send us all a link. SO I'll get to see pictures another time!

The party was scheduled until 9 p.m.  We left about 8:15 p.m. and when I hit the pillow last night...I WAS TIRED!  Great week!


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