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11/09/24 The temple

St George Temple

This morning I woke up early and continued to read "Your Endowment", a book Grandma Griffin gave me several years ago but that I never read cover to cover. It is of course, about the temple and the meaning behind the endowment and the other things we learn about in the temple. I'll be honest, a lot of it feels "over my head".  I am seeking to learn and know and understand more but I don't have a thorough understanding at this time. 

Kathy and Steve Spring

Yesterday I went to visit Kathy Spring. She worked at Washington City for many years and retired almost 3 years ago. We were good friends and she helped me in the court for quite awhile. Her husband died in January of 2020...looking back she is convinced it was covid but it was just before covid really became a thing. So it's not official. In about a years time she lost her Dad, her husband, her son and a grandson. Life was pretty rough when we were friends back then and I could see the heartache she was going through. 

Fast forward three years...I think I saw her one other time since she retired but just for a brief visit. Last night I went and spent about 2 1/2 hours visiting with her. She was beautiful and peaceful, inside and out. She lives alone and still cares for her mother, who lives across town with her sister. She has taken up quilting and family history work. And she loves to spend time with her mother and sisters who live close by. 

Kathy Spring
She told me a beautiful story about how she applied to go on a mission twice and it just hasn't been working. She has been regularly attending the temple and went to the temple to ask about her mission. She felt like she didn't get an answer.  Or that the answer was, you know what to do. But she felt like she didn't!!!  

Before conference this past month she heard that if she prayed a question in her heart and then listened to conference her answer would come. So she tried it. Her answer was received in a beautiful way. She heard in her mind, "Your husband and you are on a mission together...right now. He is working on his side of the veil, and you are working on yours. Continue doing what you are doing."

It gave me chills when she said that. I felt the spirit. 

She has a binder full of names that she has assembled and sent to the temple from her family history. She attends the temple regularly (not sure if that is weekly or monthly...but often). She truly glowed and was more happy and peaceful then I have ever seen her. 

I have been trying to figure out our next life as well...and my current life too. haha. When I listened to conference I heard the message repeated that we need to attend the temple and read our scriptures. 

I have never enjoyed temple attendance (I fall asleep when I sit down, so the endowment is really tough for I don't like to sit still).  I have done initiatories and those are better for me -- although I don't like repetition sometimes either. Anyway, I've always loved the temple and believed but I am happy to serve outside the my family, in my ward, in my stake, at my work. Wherever - I just feel like I can do so much. But I know I'm missing out on blessings by not attending the temple and I should probably figure out a way to get there and enjoy it. 

In the book I'm reading, there was a story about someone who's one son had made it to the NFL and another son was a major league baseball player. He was interviewed and asked if he had any wisdom to share. He said "Pay the price."  

Whatever the price achieve eternal life we need to apply this advice to our lives...Pay the price

The shame is not in needing to repent, but in failing to repent. If you have moved away...come back! No matter where you are, you can still become closer to God and Jesus and the temple. 

The author of the book, Mark Sheilds, shares a story by Michael Wilcox, who talked about praying in the temple for his children. They were struggling with the worldly things. He prayed that he would sacrifice anything to help his children. 

He received this answer, "This is the sacrifice I ask of you. Be in this house frequently, constantly, and consistently, and the promised protection you seek, which this house has the power to bestow, will be extended to those you love." 


Rungs = ordinances & convenants        
Vertical = principles     

Another concept from the book that stood out to me, was the support of the rungs on a ladder. The rungs on the ladder are obviously very important, but they need the vertical sides to keep them in place. 

He compared the rungs as ordinances and covenants and the vertical parts as principles. 

For example, the commandment (or rung of the ladder) is tithing. The principle is sacrifice and faith.  Chastity is the rung, virtue and devotion is the principle. 

God gave us commandments to help us to not do evil. We must understand the law and the why behind the law to help us better


We need to not follow the commandments for the wrong reason. For example, we pay tithing, but ignore or refuse to serve and sacrifice in other ways. OR we attend our meetings but somehow fail to worship. 

If we understand the reason behind the law we are more likely to keep the commandments and be true to the principles behind them. 


The most prominent messages of the ancient temple were: sacrifice, obedience, the sacrament, and prayer. Understanding the principles behind the covenants and ordinances we make in the temple help us to treasure and keep those covenants more fully in our lives. 

Covenants made in the temple (Elder Talmage): 

  • Virtue and chastity
  • Charity, benevolence, tolerance and purity
  • Devotion of talent and material means to the spread of truth and building of the Kingdom of God to prepare the Earth for his King. 


The final concept that I will include -- The blessings of the temple are not unconditional - they are conditioned on our faithfulness. 

The act of receiving temple ordinances does not turn commandments into options. 

We must keep our promises and keep the commandments all the way through mortality. It's not enough just to make promises in the temple, We need to KEEP those promises in order to obtain the blessings. 


So I'm feeling the spirit today and recognizing the goodness it can do in our lives. I have always wanted to be a temple organist. Katie reminded me of that as she shared some of my early blog posts this week. I want to rededicate myself to the Lord and serve him - in or out of the temple - but perhaps I need to figure out how to get in the temple a little more often!  

I am so thankful for my family and all the joy they bring me. The beginning of our marriage, in the temple, has helped us to focus on what's important and give us guidance as we try to navigate this crazy world and all the tough things in it that try to pull the family apart. 

It's scary and sobering to see all the broken people of the world. Affected by drugs, abuse, broken homes, broken promises...the list is long. Partnering with the Lord and your husband(wife) in the Temple and continuing to honor the covenants made there can save you from so much heartache. 

I know it is true. 


  1. This is one of my favorite ones yet!!! I hope you can figure out your next life and know what to do after retiring :) i love you lots!!


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