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6/25/00 Journal - Girls Camp

06/25/00 Sunday

I have been at girls camp this week and what a neat experience it was!

Attending: Sara Lang, Miranda Zumwalt, Charmaine Hansen (leader), Carol Letke (leader), Sherry Hall (leader), Elaine Thompson (leader), Gene Hansen (priesthood leader), Mirie Ray, Ashley Adams, Tamsy, Laura and Leslie Thompson (triplets!), Hally Thornberg, Ashley Scott, Jillyn Spencer, McCall Tanner, Clar Hansen and Gabby Trevort.

We met Tuesday night and packed all the gear into 3 trucks.  The girls practiced their sons and chants and we finished all the last minute shopping.  Everyone was in a really good mood and very excited for camp.

Wednesday morning we met at 7 a.m. and headed up the mountain.  We giggled and sang from Hurricane to the top of Kolob Mountain.  I had 6 girls in my van.  When we got there the big tent was set up but it wasn't as big as we thought so we had to give the girls the leader tent.  Luckily a couple of extra pup tents came up so each leader ended up sleeping alone. I slept in the back of Elaine Thompson's truck on my air mattress.  It was pretty comfy.  Was cold by morning.  Next time bring more socks!!!

We got quite a bit more food than we needed to.  Better over than under I guess!

The first day we had a flag ceremony where we sang lots of camp songs.

In the afternoon we painted pictures frames, had a spiritual talk on standing for something and got our pictures taken.  They came out really nice.  And we went canoeing. It was about 4 hours.

In the evening we had another fireside and flag ceremony.  After we sat around the fire roasting marshmallows, making s'mores and talking.  It was nice.

Thursday we were able to relax and have an easy breakfast.  At 9 we had flag (getting a little old, but ok).  Then we had free time.  Some of us went on a "scripture hike" where we read scriptures and talked about prayer.

We had hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch.  Gabby was our chef.  She did a wonderful job.

After lunch the girls did a medical relay.  Some honors girls were injured i our camp and they had to fix them up and return them. Our girls did excellent.  Then they had a rope tying contest.  Our girls got a prize for the knot skills.

We had several hours of free time Thursday and set up a volleyball net and played over a make-shift net.  The girls spent hours doing that.

Our bishop, Jay Var Campbell and his wife Marsha, our stake president counselor Brother Hansen and wife Madeline and Tina Tanner came for dinner.  We made dutch over potatoes and chicken and peach cobbler and apple cobbler.  It was yummy.

After dinner the girls performed their song "I will survive" that Jillyn wrote.  It was really cool.

Then we went for another fireside and flag ceremony.  They had an excellent speaker on standing for something.

Afterward our ward (minus visitors) had an awesome testimony meeting.  Almost all the girls bore their testimony of their love for the gospel and Jesus Christ.  It was a touching meeting.  We knew our ward was splitting today and they want to meet 10 years from now at St. George temple on June 25, 2010 at 7 p.m. on the steps of the visitor center building.

Friday morning at 6:30 we had another testimony meeting with the stake.  I got up and bore my testimony and cried when I said I had to turn in my keys this week (I never cry!!).  I have really loved this calling and I really love these girls.  They are a special group of girls.  Friday at 10 we went on a hike and it was really fun too.  We made up a song to get through it.  It goes:

This is the hike that never ends
It just goes on and on my friend
It started really bumpy and it's getting much much worse
I know how it's ending,
It's ending in my hearse!

We sang it most of the way up the gill. I went with the 2nd year girls.

After the hike we packed up a little and signed off certification.  They had 4th year graduation and free time. We finished packing up and then sat around playing volleyball, mad gab and charades for 2 hours.

By 5 the storm was very definitely coming so we prayed for the rain to hold off as we hurried and ate.  As we were getting in our vehicles the rain started and by the time we were down the hill it was pouring.

All in all a super experience!

Gabby brought me a plate of cookies and a thank you note.  It really means a lot to have these girls love you!

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and the gospel.  I love the Lord and I love to serve.  I have grown immensely in the past two years as a piano player and then as YW president.  I hope my growth can continue.  I love my family and the support they give me.  I am more happy now than at any other time in my life and I believe it is because of the gospel, my family and the growth I've had. I also love my job and the flexibility it allows.  I truly love Andy and the life we have made together.  We have special boys that I love with all my heart. Amen.


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