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06/20/01 Gall Bladder Removal


We had a rough week for the last 2 weeks.  Andy got sick Tuesday, June 5 – thought he had the flu but he never “got sick” (puke etc.).  He continued to feel bad and worse through Friday.  Friday after work he looked like crap and had 103 degree fever so I insisted in taking him to the dr.   He could hardly make it.  They said he had a sinus infection and gave him antibiotics and pain meds.  A couple hours later they called and said there was blood in his urine so they thought he was passing a kidney stone.  Told him to take the meds and he should be ok in a day or two.  

Sunday he was still running high fevers.  Call dr. and he says if still sick in the a.m. to bring him in.  Monday morning….dr. looks at him and says go check him into the hospital we need to run some tests.

They do an ultra sound on Monday and late Monday night dr comes by and says test was inconclusive.  He orders some more tests for Tuesday afternoon.  Dr. never comes by until Wednesday at 2 p.m.  At this point we are getting really antsy.  They have been intravenously feeding him antibiotics and liquids (he was WAY dehydrated).  He is starting to feel better and starting to get REALLY HUNGRY.  They have him on a clear liquid diet – jello and broth and water.  No one will tell us anything.  We are thinking we need to go home.    Oh yeah, and every time he nods off they come and wake him up to make sure he is still alive and take some blood or something.  (I am not even kidding!!!!!  About every 90 minutes – never go the hospital for rest and recovery)

Dr. finally comes by at 2 p.m. on Wednesday and meets with Andy and I a few minutes and says he thinks Andy might need surgery but he has to consult with a surgeon.  He never comes back.  A couple of hours later the nurse come in and pull all Andy’s fluids and tell him he should be going into surgery around 5 p.m.  (translation, 7:30 p.m.).  

At 7:30 they removed his gall bladder laproscopically and by 10:30 p.m. he was back in his room recuperating.  They finally released us about 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 14!  Andy hadn’t had anything to eat for 10 days!!!!  

He slept the first 2 days home and has slowly been feeling a little better each day.  He walked a little over a mile on Tuesday and made dinner Wednesday.  After each activity he is just wiped out though.  

I only worked 9 hours all of last week…good thing I have lots of sick time built up!!!  I didn’t even do court last week because they were doing tests right then.  (I have probably only missed court 4 times in 10 years…)  

Anyway we are trying to get back to normal.  And we are sad because we had scheduled our vacation that week – spending some time up in Logan.  But we are thankful Andy is ok and on the mend now!!!! 


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