Unknown Date
Letter from Uncle Gary
Dear Shelly, Andy and boys: So, how is everything in Utah these days? We are doing pretty
good for a couple of "getting older quickly" type folks. Your Grandma is about the same.
She has her good days and bad days. The Alzheimers has really done a number on
her mind. It is so sad and frustrating trying to spend time with her. Sometimes it almost seems like she has reverted to another life form that is only interested in going to the bathroom, eating, sleeping and keeping warm.
We try to keep her up to date with things going on in the family, but she is just not interested. All we can do, basically, is make sure she is safe and well-cared for. Your Mother tells me that Ruth has found "Mr. Right"! It's about time! Your Mom tells me he passed your family's approval, so I guess he must be an alright "Mr. Right". I don't want to sound like an old "foggy", but I hope shedoesn't rush things too much! Holy Cow! I must be getting old, I can't believemy nieces and daughter are all married or thinking about it!Where have all the years gone? Yes, I do remember those nights playing gameswith you in Florida, and I also remember going to Disney World and ridingeverything in the park, practically, with you, your sisters and Monica. Thefour of you almost killed me!Well, enough "nastalgia" for now. I have to put this old body tobed. Late nights are not good for "getting older quickly" people. In fact,they tend to spoil the whole next day.Take care of your family (as I know you will) and give them ahug and kiss from us. Maybe someday you'll get to meet your Aunt Diane.Love, Aunt Diane and Uncle Gary
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