5/29/11 I watched the storm all week and it seemed very big and ugly and nasty but I could never find any reports about it doing any damage...so how was it? It looks like you've been rained on for days and days and days. Ugh. I hate rain. Makes me want to stay in and not do anything. How are you handling the rain? Can you go anywhere without being totally soaked? Did you get to go to your training meetings this week? Were they fun? We had another busy week -- last week of school. Kids are free now and looking for stuff to do. Dallas got your old job. He found out Thursday. Did drug test and filled out paperwork and now is waiting to hear from Dave to find out when he starts. He was pretty excited. Hope he can handle the heat. Pretty hot out there. Not yet...but it will be! He is also starting acutane this week. He has to take 307 pills and then he has a 98% chance of never having acn...