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05/14/11 First grade spelling bee

Was it seriously only 7 days ago that we saw you on SKYPE?  It feels like FOREVER ago!  You looked SO good!!!  It was really good to see you and talk to you!!!!
What a BUSY week we've had.  Along with all the weeks have in it we added Grampa Laurito and Grandma Suzanne.  They came on Monday and stayed until today at noon.  Let's's a run down of our week:
Monday worked until 5 and then went to Brick Oven Pizza for family night.  G&G L joined us.  We met at the restuarant and visited for awhile and then they went to their place and we went home and put everyone to bed.
Tuesday met G&G L for lunch at Don Pedros Mexican.  Gpa bought since it was my birthday.  Worked until 7 p.m. Dad cooked for us and we had Baskin Robbins Ice Cream cake for dessert.   G&G L joined us.  It was yummy.

Wednesday met G&G L and G&G G and Eldon and Dallas and Dad for lunch at Dickey's BBQ restaurant.  It was really good and pretty fun. We met for a late lunch and then came home and boys did YM and I did HOT HULA with my YW.  Totally fun.  Had a great turnout again...8 girls I think.  HOT HULA is a new class they are starting that I TOTALLY want to take but it is every Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:30...right during YW...bummer.  It is like ZUMBA only Hawaiian!!!  WAY FUN!!!

Thursday Holly did the spelling bee at 1st grade.  She did pretty good.  Got out on about the third round.  She cried until she found out she was still getting candy then she was like, huh, cool and all smiles after that.  Funny girl.  G&G came to that. Dad BBQ'd for us at home Thursday night.  Delicious as always.  Grandpa brought apple pie from costco.  Yummy.

Friday G&G L took the whole fam out to Golden Corral ($80 worth...holy cow!) and we enjoyed all you can eat.  Katie and Holly sure know how to pile on a dessert plate.   They made gummy bear soup out of their icecream.  Yeah, eyes WAY bigger than their tummies!!!  After eating out the girls and the grandparents went to MOVIE IN THE PARK and saw TANGLED.  It was the Friday the 13th version of Tangled...the city had a GINORMOUS screen that blew over about 20 minutes before the movies was supposed to start.  So lucky noone was under/behind that...would have killed 'em probably...took 10 or more guys to lift it up and right it up again.  The movie started and about 1/2 way through the wind picks up, rain starts tinkling and the screeen blows so hard we can no longer see the movie.  They stop the movie.  Pull a big white truck in and start the movie AGAIN about 30 minutes later.  By this time 1/2 the crowd has gone home.  BUT NOT ME!!!! I had never seen the movie!!!!  So we stuck it out and the movie ended about 10:40.  Late for me...but it was fun!  We sat with the Condie's and the Turner's.  We had pretty good seats too.

Saturday -- Dad left at 6 this morning to go to Delta and due to rain delays probably won't be home until 1 tonight for ball games.  He'll have to fill you in on that.  We've had a marathon day today...Bryce marched in the Cotton Day's parade at 9.  Katie Danced and 11:30 and again at 8 p.m.

In between dances the girls had a 3 hour pool birthday party (I went with, it was FUN!) Then we went to St. George for a wedding and cinco de Mayo (extra credit for Dallas and who ever heard of cindo de Mayo on Mayo 14 anyway???, WHATEVER?!)  and exchanged my new garments (got 5 new pair for my birthday!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!)  Went shoe shopping and then stayed up at the community center until 10 p.m. for Fireworks!  Oh yea, and we were SO close to where they were setting them off we actually got hit with some of the debris...I brought some home to show dad...looks like wood chips or card board chips or something.  Strange!   Came home and made Banana bread (had some black bananas) and now I'm....sigh....a wee bit tired, eh?!
So if I didn't gain 10 lbs this week it'll be a miracle...although I did get up and work out EVERY DAY this week...but WHEW what a lot of eating we did!!!!
This next week I have training on my new court computer system in Santa Clara and we'll be winding down more of our activities.  Every day gets us closer to the end of our current bout of insanity!
Feel very fortunate to have the energy to do all the things I need to do and also the health!  I hope you are taking care of yourself.
Speaking of that...what's up with your shoes?  Our neighbor said their is a place called S&M supermart or shoemart or something like that.  She said they sell dockers and other US brands there and you should be able to find shoes.  She said her sis lives their and she was going to find out about wiring some $ to her and having shoes shipped to you if the supermart doesn't work out for you.  So let me know what you want me to do.  I don't want you ruining your feet!!!
Are you good with everything else?  Do you need anything?
How is your work this week?  Any success?  Are things getting better with your new comp?  How's the weather?
Well as entertaining as I'm sure this is (cough, cough) I probably ought to head to bed.  I have meetings starting at 8 a.m. tomorrow at church.  Life is on the fast track now!  It's all good though!
Keep up the good work...keep your chin up and keep smiling.  I love you lots and pray for your success!!! Love mom.


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