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05/29/11 School's out for summer!


I watched the storm all week and it seemed very big and ugly and nasty but I could never find any reports about it doing any how was it?  It looks like you've been rained on for days and days and days.  Ugh.  I hate rain.  Makes me want to stay in and not do anything.  How are you handling the rain?  Can you go anywhere without being totally soaked?
Did you get to go to your training meetings this week? Were they fun?
We had another busy week -- last week of school.  Kids are free now and looking for stuff to do.  Dallas got your old job.  He found out Thursday.  Did drug test and filled out paperwork and now is waiting to hear from Dave to find out when he starts. He was pretty excited.  Hope he can handle the heat.  Pretty hot out there.  Not yet...but it will be!  He is also starting acutane this week.  He has to take 307 pills and then he has a 98% chance of never having acne in his life again.  If he can survive the 307 pills.  It has side effects...sun sensitivity, dryness -- bad--- told him to buy fancy sun screen, moisturizers, vaseline, chapsitck and drink drink drink water.  Sounds pretty yucky.  My friend said she tried it 3X before she just dealt with it and made it through the whole series.  Hopefully he can endure to the end.
We had a fun YM/YW party Wednesday night.  We got the bluffview town home clubhouse and pool and had pizza and rootbeer and cookies.  I think we had 25-30 people total including grown ups.  Kate and Holly got to come since Dad was out of town.
Thursday morning George (a painter) & his friend (we don't know his name...) came and painted our house.  We did a trade agreement so it was pretty inexpensive cash wise.  Dad just has to advertise for about 2 months for him now.  We didn't change drastic...just made the tan color a little darker and the brown color a little deeper.  I think it looks nice.  You might not even realize it was painted if you didn't visit us often...but it looks cleaned up and nice.  All the shutters are dust and bug free now and things looked cleaned up and nice.  He also did the shed.  We are working on fixing the garage door back there so we might be able to use it in the future.  He painted it too.  Gave us an opportunity to do some spring cleaning and the back yard looks very nice.  There was a swing on sale at ACE similar to the old one I loved so much so I went and got it Thursday while dad was away too and the boys put it together for me.  I LOVE it.  We got a new door knob for the house because it was sticking something awful and it was hard to get in and out.  Coolest had a "smart lock" system.  We were able to take our old house key and re-key the new lock to use our old keys.  And it took like 30 seconds.  AMAZING!!!!  So we didn't change the locks while you were away, ha ha.
Speaking of I opened the newspaper to read the obituaries (like I do every morning, just checking to make sure I'm not dead, ya know...)  and there was Shellie Griffin, 47, dead!  Ha, It finally happened, kinda.  She spelled my name wrong and was a little older, but my name was in the obits!  That's awful young, poor thing.  I hope I last longer than that!
I signed the girls up for swim lessons for the next 2 weeks every day for 1/2 hour.  They know how to swim but this should teach them some strokes and maybe some diving or something.  Got Dallas a job and the girls to do with Bryce...?!
So I was reading the lesson for Sunday school this week (that's about the extent of my scripture study each the lesson, read the scriptures that go with it) and it totally made me think of you.  Here is an excerpt from the lesson:
Before Elder Hugh B. Brown left on a mission, his mother told him:
“Hugh, you remember when you were a little boy and you would have a bad dream or wake up in the night frightened? You would call from your room, ‘Mother, are you there?’ and I would answer and try to comfort you and remove your fears. Now as you go on a mission and out into the world, there will be times when you will be frightened, when you feel weak, inadequate, alone, and have problems. I want you to know that you can call to your Heavenly Father as you used to call to me and say, ‘Father, are you there? I need your help.’ Do this with the knowledge that He is there and that He will be ready to help you if you will do your part and live worthy of your blessings. I want to reassure you that He is there and will answer your prayers and needs for your best good” (told by Marvin J. Ashton, “Know He Is There,”Ensign, Feb. 1994, 50).
I hope that if you are experiencing hardship that you are able to call on Heavenly Father and feel comforted and know that he loves you and wants only the best for you.  Just like me and your dad.  From your letters it sounds like you are doing wonderfully and I am so thankful for that.
I feel really blessed and lucky to have you as a son and as an example to all of us of how to give up all you have and serve the Lord.  You have no idea the extent that your service reaches.  You make me want to try harder and do better and I know your letters are reaching others and having the same effect.  Betty Simpkins is a lady I grew up across the street from in NJ.  I added her to the list of people I send your letter to.  She has sent back several notes commenting on what a fine young man you are and how proud we should be.  She is very devout in her church but she can see the light of Christ in your letters and feel your strong willingness to serve.  She was very impressed with you.  Another lady from Hurricane who is also not a member has made similar comments and has really enjoyed reading of your experiences.  So your mission reaches far and wide.
Well keep up the good work and don't let the rain dampen your enthusiasm for the gospel and the work.  I love you lots and think of you often.  Take care and know that you are in our prayers.

Love, Mom.


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