Holly and Dallas at Christmas time |
Did you get a bagless vacuum? I love mine. You can dump that bucket full of all your dirt and see just how much crap there was lying around. I feel a sense of accomplishment every time I use it. I got mine at Christmas time and I still love to use it – a year ago Christmas time. So maybe you’ll enjoy it for a long time!
You may want to get a 2nd for downstairs just so you don’t break yours running it up and down the steps.
Holly and Bryce playing on the tramp on Christmas Day '04 |
We are doing the art beltloop and pin this month – so we are doing fun art projects. Painting, drawing, sculpting with playdough, sand art, etc. We went to a museum last week. We will finish up both this Thursday and everybody that came all 3 weeks this month will get 2 awards at next Pack Meeting. They love that. It makes it easy to plan your meetings too. Bryce has just 2 or 3 things to finish up to get his wolf and we just keep not doing them. Dumb! Dallas finished his Bear and got it last month. He’ll be a Webelos in April. I can’t believe how quickly they grow up!
Holly is a pleasant little thing. She has a cold right now but should be done with it soon. She has started sleeping a little longer and is starting to have a little routine. She has even been taking a 2 hour nap some days.
We are so busy I sometimes wonder how we get it all done. They boys are 2 weeks from finishing basketball season, they are in scouts of course. Aj was in honor band and did a special concert a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway – things are good here – busy like crazy but good.
Holly loves her raviolis! Now that's Italian! |
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