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02/05/12 Superbowl Sunday & dance central


Hey, Superbowl you know what that means?!  Too much junk in the house!  Don't think anybody is coming over though.  Too bad.  Gma and pa aren't feeling well (colds) and Neal and Cheryls' kids are coming to their place and we didn't ask anybody else.  So just us Griffin's at the party today!

We made meatballs and homemade bread, chicken -- Tso something or other?!, velveeta dip, oatmeal fudge cookie bars and sugar cookies.  I dunno what else.  Just junk!  The kids are excited to pig out. (and watch commercials).  Yeah.
New Beginnings was a HUGE success.  13 girls!!!  (3 newbies and 10 of the usuals) and parents and all my presidency and teacher and bishopric member and just a packed room!  I was very happy for such great turnout and success!  I had to talk and then my presidency put on a play that was really cute about using the personal progress book, strength of youth and scriptures to make them better people in the 6 years they are in young women.  It showed one girl who hucked it under her bed right away and never did any of it.  The next "dabbled" in it and the third immersed herself in the teachings and learned and grew from it.  The prince came through town and visited each girl and of course chose the girl with the qualities of a refined young woman and they married and lived happily ever after.  It was funny and cute and hopefully got a good message across!
Katie has been fighting off a nasty cold/cough for awhile now.  So we just stayed in Friday and watched movies and hung out together.  She seems to be getting better but it sure seems to have stayed around a long time!
The boys are still working on saving their money to go to Disneyland etc with the band.  They have sold 27/30 dixie direct books and just completed the Hagan's leaf/lawn project.  He told them he would pay them $150 but gave them $200.  Dallas was grinning from ear to ear.  I think the price actually came down a little from first estimate and instead of $450 each they need $350 each.  So they are getting there!  They have about $600 now between the two of them.  Not bad really.  The trip is in March for Spring break.
Dallas says he will be working every weekend this month so that is good.
He has started taking piano lessons again with Brother Bassett.  He goes every Tuesday night at 9 and he will pay him in trade.  He will babysit or do odd jobs for his lesson.  He has been practicing quite a bit.  Says he wants to play in seminary but he is kinda chicken.  He really has put a lot of effort in.  I'm proud of him!
Katie, Holly and I have been playing Dance Central.  It is a kinect game that picks up your movement and "scores" you according to how well you dance.  We have been having a ton of fun with that.  The girls have pretty much "beat" everything on easy and are continuing to improve and enjoy their game.  I've been working on the medium and hard levels but I have lots to do still.  I sometimes do that in the morning instead of going to the gym now.  It's kind of makes you want to keep dancing.  A couple of times I've been like, Ok, I'm tired, I'm gonna quit now...and an hour later I finally quit.  Totally sweating and tired!  In the morning before work I have to make myself quit and have been 10 or 20 minutes past when I was supposed to quit.
Well I guess the superbowl is starting so I'm gonna sign off now.  Hope you had a great week. Are you driving now since you are a zone leader? Is your apartment better?  Do you have a ton more meetings to go to?  How is the weather where you are?  Totally HOT all the time?  You will probably freeze when you come back here!  Might have to move you to Arizona or something, Ha ha!

K, take care.  Love you lots. MOM


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