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First time trying a lime |
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Pineapple was more pleasing than lime |
Well...we went to Provo on Saturday and Sunday -- so your letter is a little later on Sunday than usual...but then I got to thinking...will you even get to see this before Thursday anyway?!
So hopefully you're not sad that I'm late and all is well in CHILE.
It's a rainy sabbath here...which is weird cause we rarely get rain. But it is drizzly and rainy and our ride home was beautiful for 2 hours, raining for 1 1/2 hours, and then pretty good the rest of the way.
Let's see...what happened this week...Monday was Labor Day...so we had a day off work. Yeah!!!
We didn't have anywhere we needed to go and planned to have a quiet Monday but first, we went to this store called Sheridan's that is super close to our house. And we found some wonderful outdoor patio furniture. It took us 3 trips to get it all home and all afternoon to unpack and assemble it. So at 5:30, we were just finishing and kinda tired from our work out of getting it together! haha.
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BYU! (10th row on 10-yard line!) |
At work I am still working on getting city hall back together after the remodel and my guys who hang things up came by. We got our giant court seal up and sound absorbent bars up (they liked the ones I recovered so much they are going to bring more over for me to cover). There were some pictures of the Judge's that they've been working on getting up for months...I got those done this week. I have a project I'm working on for the Mayor and City Councilman Ivie (baseball stands and a shadow box)...so like work all week was like one craft project after another.
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Gigi and a bouncy ball waiting for ice cream...doesn't get much better than this! |
I've been working to clear our back area (even behind our property) of weeds and I spent hours out there Friday evening clearing weeds and debris. It looks better although I really need the city to come out and take away some of the debris cause there is way more than I can possibly haul off on my own.
Saturday morning we got up early and left at 7:30 a.m. to get to BYU. We had really good seats -- 10 rows from the field!!! on the 10-yard line. BYU did great and won against SUU with a score of 41-16.
At the beginning of the game, it was so hot...and we were squished in the seats...and we were dripping with sweat. And about 2 hours in a nice storm came through and we got a little wet and windy and it was wonderful.
We got t-shirts and BBQ and ice cream and just had a really fun experience.
After the game, we went to Bryce's house and then met D&M and the kids at MexiQuense or something like that. A restaurant in Lehi. We got a family special dinner with lots of beans and meats and toppings. It was yummy and fun. DJ of course hung with me most of the evening and Ellie a little too. I got them to try limes and the faces were so funny!
There was a little gumball machine in there that was selling bouncy balls and they each got one after dinner. Surprisingly they didn't throw them and lose them before they went home!
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Making faces at the camera |
We also had ice cream from Handels. It was a quick visit and the kids were pretty wound up by the time they left but it was fun to see them for a little bit.
Mo cried a lot on the way home but as soon as we got back to her house was happy as a lark. Funny girl. She's adorable. You're going to love seeing all your prayed-for babies when you get home!!!
This morning we were thinking of sticking around and visiting but B&M had choir, church, and primary and our ward was doing a linger longer after church it was YW day so we got up early and headed home and pulled into the parking lot at 11:29...1 minute before sacrament started! haha
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Go mo! |
I had treats in the car and coloring books so I was able to entertain the Fink by asking her to bring crayons/markers for the kids. All three came back and hung out with me.
Heading to GPAs in just a few for Sunday dinner. I'm not doing anything! GPA is making lasagne and Smith's rolls, Randy and Kay are bringing peachers, Diane is bringing Dessert and veggies and I'm on for nothing! It's nice to have a week off!
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Happy Mo ... before she realized she had a car ride home. |
Tomorrow we're going to the pre-opening Temple open house so that should be cool. My boss and his wife are going on the tour with us. (he's decided church isn't for him anymore so it's a tough time for him and his wife who is still very much involved in church) It's cool that he's going though...he does these things for his wife but sometimes it just makes her more sad.
So there you have it...our week in a nutshell.
I read a book by Alissa Parker (mother of Emily Parker, who died in the Sandy Hook shooting) this week. It's called An Unseen Angel. It is such an inspirational book.
One funny story in the book...When Emily was 6 and in kindergarten she met a boy whose first name was her last name...so Parker. They were very much enthralled with one another and decided they were going to get married someday. And when they did he would take her last name and be Parker Parker. They would have lots of kids together and have a great life. Funny, huh!?
She ended up moving and they weren't in the same class when she died.
Basically, the premise of the book is that her daughter was murdered and it was awful but instead of seeing the bad and evil of the situation she has decided to see the good. She met with the father of Adam Lanza, the shooter, and gained so much compassion for him and forgiveness...imagine being the father of someone who did that? And the pain and hurt you would carry.
She turned this awful situation into so much beauty -- there are so many situations where Emily visits people in dreams and inspires people and even helps her mother to find the good in their grief. It was one of those tear-jerker feel-good stories. I can't even imagine Diane reading it...there would be some major sobbing going on!
If you ever get the chance you should read it. And if you ever need help in forgiveness I feel like this book inspires you to say if she can do it, then certainly I can! I sure hope her reason for forgiveness is far worse than any situation I might have.
Our lesson in YW was actually similar...a father accidentally ran over his 9-year-old son in his driveway and killed him (this is one of those little LDS movies on the website...you might even be able to watch it while you are out there). The pain and grief he experiences are indescribable but his friend helps to bring him out of his grief by the simple act of picking him up to play basketball every morning with his old friends. They rally around him and help him cope with losing his son and knowing it was by his own error.
There are so many things that can happen in this life and I'm grateful for the gospel to help us cope with these impossible situations.
I hope you have a wonderful week and I love you lots! Talk to you Thursday!
And remember...you are super early over there now...let me sleep until at least 4:45 a.m. here! 

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