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03/11/12 Long week -- busy work & illness


Well this has been a long hard week!  Nothing really bad...just seemed like extra busy and hard and tired!
Kathy's husband (my helper at work) went into the hopsital last Thursday.  So she has been pretty much gone for 7 working days now.  He has been really sick.  I haven't heard an update so I guess no news is good news at this point.  He will probably make it but he has been so sick he might have preferred the alternative several of the days!
My volunteer worker went to Colorodo last weekend and caught the she didn't come in on Monday.  She usually spends about 3 hours and enters all my new citations in the computer.
My community service worker also got the gamboo and called out.  The 2 hours she was in the office on Wednesday she was hacking and sneezing and politely asked her if she didn't want to go home ... NOW ... and thanks for coming yada yada.
So that left me on my own like the good ol days...only we handle a lot more cases these days!!!!  On Tuesday night between video court and night court we handled about 70 cases.  So yeah, needless to say, work has been...challenging!  (It does go quickly for the most part though).
Oh yeah. And the finale to the work week.  Friday morning came in ready to "clean up" the balance of the week and the state computer system was DOWN.  Basically they hi-jack all your records when that happens.  I had NO access to ANYTHING.  For 4 hours.  Then I went home.  When I got home there was an email that said they came back up at 12:15.  Yeah.  Ok.  But I was D.O.N.E!!!!  I didn't go back which means tomorrow probably won't be the easiest Monday ever!
Dallas texted from school about 12:30 on Friday and said I needed to come get Bryce, he was NOT well.  Bryce started running a fever last Sunday but went to school all week (because he is stubborn and just like other people in his family).  It was the end of quarter and he wanted to get all A's again and there was work to be done.  Anyway, Dallas said I needed to take Bryce to the dr.  They had Math class together and Bryce was hacking the whole time and it was not pleasant and they both agreed a dr visit was in order.
So I went and found Bryce in Seminary about 1 p.m.  Banished.  The teacher had removed him and put him in a chair in the corner.  I think he was pretty glad to have me remove him!  We got lucky at the dr. and were able to get right into the walk in clinic.  By 2:30 we had completed the exam, and x-ray and were on our way to the pharmarcy for some antibiotics and heavy duty cough syrup.  Bryce has "influenza" and pre-pnemonia.  He had fluid on his lungs and the dr. was worried it would develop into pnemonia if Bryce didn't nip it in the bud.  So he was immediately put on 4 days home confinement.  Not sure if he is going to make the Disney trip but he is really hopeful.  That is 7 a.m. Tuesday.  He had a fever Saturday and threw up (due to cough drops he said???....not a stomach ailment) -- I tend to agree...he only had one episode and was able to eat again shortly after.  He has been dehydrated and oogy.
The girls have been keeping us busy with Soccer practices and games.  We've played 4 games so far this year and they have won 3 out of 4.  Yesterday Holly was gowlie and the other team didn't score against them AND she made her teams only goal.  The final 1-0 for Holly's team.  She was pretty happy.  Funny too cause she didn't want to go in the second half and her coach kinda made her ... for 5 minutes...which I guess was all she needed!
We spent 1 hour walking around the soccer field selling g.s. cookies and then 2 hours on Telegraph selling cookies.  They were selling pretty well.  I know we made over $500 on Saturday.  The troop was out for about 5 hours I think.
I took the girls swimming and ran into Gene Hanson and his 2 little girls.  That was fun!   They are 8 and 6 now and cute girls.  The little one said she didn't remember me but she went down the slide with me 3 times and played with me and the girls for the better part of an hour. Then some little kid barfed in the pool and we decided that was enough fun for one day!
The weather is beautiful here and we had BBQ at the back table last night.  A nice ending to a too busy week.  I think my head hit the pillow about 9:30 or 10 last night and I slept like a dead woman until dad's early meeting today.  
Spring forward on the clocks this week so we'll all be a little messed up I'm afraid!  
Oh well.  That about sums up the week.  Making rolls and potatos and jello and heading up to Gma's for dinner.  Wendy and the older girls and Aaron will be there for dinner too.  They are moving back to their old house this weekend and Edy started his job as Santa Clara City Mgr last week.  Crazy time in their life.  I guess my week was probably easier then theirs!  Maddy went to prom last night and then moved this a.m.  Crazy!  Funny they really wanted to move back and now that they are they are a little hesitant...started realizing all the friends they had made and stuff.  Tuff to do that to a kid in high school like that.  You're welcome that we never did that to you!!!! (I'm thankful my parents never did that to me too!)

K, gotta run.  Love you lots. XOXO Mom.


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