10/18/2004 LETTER TO BECKY
This weekend Andy was gone all weekend doing games and so I got busy. I went through AJ’s room –aaaggghh! And sorted through all the hand me down buckets we had. I’ve bought several containers to make them “save” better. I sorted everything by size 10, 12, 16’s etc. and season. Then I went to Target and bought him an upright cabinet closet for his current clothes. I went through his 2 dressers and kept only the nice stuff in his current dresser and ditched the worn clothing and stored the stuff that’s too small. What a project. His room looks wonderful. He came home and was in awe. He’s like, what do I owe you? Do you want me to do something for you??? I was like…well… you better keep this room clean!!!!!! He also helped me to stow all the buckets of clothing – I had run out of steam and not quite finished putting things away.
I had done this to the girls room about 2 weeks ago. So I feel like I have a little bit better control over the out of control clothing situation!!!! Course now it’s time to sort out all the summer clothes and get out all the winter stuff…maybe next week…
I also had a disease going through our back lawn so me and Dallas took out a shovel and a rake and pulled up all the weeds so that we can hopefully replant grass tonight. I think we have it ready. It took HOURS. I have been working on that project as I could for several weeks and then me and Dallas hit it hard Saturday morning and late evening until we got DONE. He got $5 for his efforts so we went to DI and found him a crane and got some batteries. He still has $3 left to spend.
Amongst all that I got the laundry all done and fed the kids. No wonder I like working…it’s too much work to be at home!!!!
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