Not sure when your p-day is going to be so I thought I better send you a little something in your in-box.
Hope you are loving it and doing great. We are anxious to hear from you and hope to hear great things!
Today has been a busy Saturday. The morning started early scrubbing the kitchen floor and cleaning out the remainder of your bedroom. I think we have gone through just about everything now and got your things neatly tucked away in the closet. The border around your bedroom was pretty solidly stuck to the wall. I tried and tried to remove it with no luck and then gave up and went to Nisson's and bought a product that helps remove borders. It worked like magic. The stuff just falls off after 15 minutes with this goop on it. I am probably 10 minute away from completing this 2 hour project. Maybe next week we'll paint. We'll see how much time and energy we have!
Around lunch time the girls wanted to go and hang with the Riley's at their new house. I went up to get a tour and Sis. Riley asked for some help with her garage. I spent about an hour there helping put together some shelves and putting things up on the shelves. Man they have a ton of stuff. They have about filled their 2 car garage with "stuff".
We tried to go to the community center last night to check out the Halloween festivities. There was a line out into the parking lot. We decided it wasn't worth it and instead the Turner's came and played games -- uno and charades. We ate caramel popcorn and watched the girls act out silly things. It was kinda fun. The boys disappeared in the bedroom and played their game. They didn't want to participate in "girl" stuff!
I'll have dad send you some pictures of our Halloween costumes.
Well take care and know that we love you and are praying for you!!! We are so proud of you. Love you lots!

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