Can you believe we are into September already? Wow.
This week seemed to really wear me out! Not sure what in particular about it...just everything I guess!
Work continues to challenge me regularly. I am "getting" the new program but continue to find "problems" that need correcting. And that takes lots of time. I have a part-time assistant who has been wonderful but even with the two of us working hard it doesn't seem to be enough yet. I hope eventually it'll get better...but seems like several of the procedures just take longer and you can't really master that. Longer is longer! I have been getting extra hours every week for the last few weeks. My comp bank is supposed to be around 40 hours MAX (it was like 32 when we converted) and I think last week it was at 56 hours BEFORE I turned in my recent hours...Not to mention I have to use it or lose it on the vacation -- I earn 6.16 hours every 2 weeks and I already have about a couple of days I have to use before Nov 6 (my 15 year anniversary date with the city). So sometime soon I gotta take off a couple of days!
Bryce chilling watching TV |
ets picked up...so far it's been ok.
Took Dad to a free lunch on St. George City.
We challenged the girls to work on their YW personal progress stuff and the leaders are supposed to do it too. I have a TON of old necklaces so if they earn the award they can get the new awards and the old. BONUS?! I have to teach today and part of my lesson will include some PP stuff.
The boys are busy with band and scouts/YM. They are doing well in school so far (still early) but still...good! They are really good boys.
The girls are also staying busy with their activities and are excelling in school. I had student teacher conference this week and both teachers raved about my little smarties. That's nice!!!
Silly girls on the tramp Emma, Holly and Katie |
Take care and know that we love you lots! xoxo Mom.
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