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02/11/20 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

We spent 6 days in the Virgin Islands visiting AJ and Becca. We had a blast!!! 
(Thank you AJ & Becca!!!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 & Wednesday, February 12, 2020
We took the red eye. We left St. George a little after 7 p.m. (MST) on the St. George Shuttle. Our plane left Las Vegas around 11 p.m. to New York. We met a connecting flight and landed in St. Thomas at 1 p.m. (AST)  With the time changes we think it was about 15 hours of travel.

AJ was right there to get us and took us up to his cute place and then immediately off to Brewer's Bay while we waited for Becca to finish her shift at work. She works downtown selling items at a Turkish store. AJ had prepared pulled pork, beans, and rolls for dinner. We enjoyed a delicious meal at AJ's. 

We went and found our place that was across the island about 15 minutes. The roads on the island are very narrow. Cars park on both sides of the streets. And everybody drives on the wrong side of the street!!! It was kind of terrifying. I was so glad we didn't have to drive and he chauffeured us the whole trip! Our place was up the mountain and a very steep driveway. Luckily AJ has skills and was able to maneuver us in and out of the place. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020
Magens Bay and Sapphire Bay-swimming and snorkeling
Mountain Top - drive to the top of St. Thomas and shopping
Marriott for swimming, hot tub and pina coladas and sunset 

Friday, February 14, 2020
St. John's by Big Red Barge with our car
Drove all the way around St. John's Island
Four beaches...Maho, Jumbie, Cinnamon and Hawksnest
It rained on every beach!!! The first couple we took our stuff out.
 Then we just took us out and let our stuff stay dry in the car!
Pizza A'more back on St. Thomas
Mariott for swimming, hot tub and pina coladas
For Valentine's Day we got Sun Kissed!

Saturday, February 15, 2020
Cruise around St. Thomas on Elizabeth and Wilson's boat
Walk around down town, shopping, See Becca's work
BBQ joint - Smoking Rooster -- downtown
Mariott for swimming, hot tub and pina coladas

Sunday, February 16, 2020
Church - Andy and Holly spoke with Kim Richards in Sacrament, Shelly closing prayer
Katie piano
Steve Richards taught Sunday school
Hung out at Aj's
Dinner on Hassle Island - Lasagne, salad, garlic toast and chocolate cake
 with Marsh's, Elizabeth and Wilson Walch, Kim and Steve Richards, Missionaries and Angela

Monday, February 17, 2020
Parasailing at Sapphire Beach with Richards and Marsh's. 
Aj & Becca's 
arrive home at 3 a.m. Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020. Head to work shortly thereafter! Whew!

We saw: 
sea turtles, tons of fishes, a baby shark, iguanas, funky bird, roosters, chickens and 
an adult and a bunch of baby turtles at our place


Road side entertainment was awesome!

Holly showing her booty with the pirate!

We were in traffic and the guy behind us honked. Turned around and saw this!
Kinda freaky little mask hanging from his rear view mirror!

Big Red Barge transported us and our car to St. John's Island.

It's raining!!! SO WHAT?! haha
Cleared the beaches for us!

Hassel Island - Brother Marsh gave Andy a riding tour.

A beautiful rainbow on our last morning!

Katie was nervous for like 2 minutes. And then she had the time of her life!

Highlight of the trip for Holly...playing with baby turtles!

View out Aj & Becca's balcony


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