The first week of June was a harrowing one for the Griffin Family. First Friday morning Dallas called to tell me they were on their way to the hospital and would likely be having the twins that day. WAY early. 30 weeks out of 40 possible...McKayla got the corona virus and her oxygen levels dropped to a worrisome level so the dr. decided to take them c-section.
By Friday afternoon Kayla was in the ICU and the babies were in the NICU. And poor Dallas wasn’t allowed to visit either due to virus restrictions. He also couldn’t visit us because he was supposed to be quarantined since he’d been around Kayla.
Kayla’s babyshower was scheduled for Saturday morning so our shower devolved from a shower, to a drive by, to a virtual shower. We were able to bring Kayla up on Facetime for a bit of it!!! The presents sat in the living room for a couple of weeks as we waited for them to be up to opening presents! We eventually Facetimed and opened them for them a couple weeks later.
Also going on that weekend Rachel’s daughter Evie was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with meningitis. They were very worried about her.
Then Sunday morning that same weekend Marcus was struck by lightning while on a walk and life flighted to Utah Valley Medical Center. So by Sunday the first week of June we had 5 members of our family in several hospitals throughout the state!!!
And none of them was Grandma...who was the most likely candidate as she had been so sick for so long. Needless to say as all situations resolved themselves in a favorable manner many prayers of thanks were given.
The twins were born healthy. Kayla recovered from corona. Evie got over meningitis. Marcus is getting his hearing back and his other ailments are healing.
Things could definitely have turned out differently. We are so blessed!
And what the heck?! We are grandparents!!!! Have you ever in your life seen such adorable babies?! Ellie and DJ are tiny...3 lb 10 and 3lb but they are healthy and adorable!
Because McKayla and Dallas were not permitted into NICU until they were cleared of the virus Nanny B and I got to go see the babies in NICU for the first week. What a treat that was to be able to see our tiny little miracles.
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