On Thursday, December 2nd, at 10 p.m. I (Shelly), went to bed. And all was well. Two short hours later Andy came into the bedroom and said he was really sick. He started vomiting and had a 102+ fever. He continued to have aches and pains and was miserable all night long. We figured he had the flu.
All day Friday he continued to run a fever and basically slept all day. Around 5 p.m. he could hardly get from the bed to the bathroom and just seemed "off". As I was helping him back into bed I noticed his right leg was red and swollen. I told him he needed to go to the Dr and have it looked it. He was very resistant. I had to help him dress and make him go.
Our first two stops were insta-cares and they both had 1.5 to 2 hour waits. So we decided we better just go to the emergency room. I figured we would be there 3-4 hours. Boy was I wrong! We were just 2 hours short of a week before we were released from the hospital.
Shortly after arriving they took some blood and urine tests and evaluated him.
He could hardly stay awake and for a short time his blood pressure was hovering around 63/26. The nurse came in to rouse him. They informed me that he had sepsis -- an infection that had entered his blood and was all throughout his body. He was really sick.
Several people tried to put an IV in. They had to get an ultrasound machine and a couple techs before they were successful.
They got a sharpie marker and drew a line to mark his infection which originally went from his ankle to his knee.
Time for another IV. Another ultrasound. More techs.
The infection continued to rise up his thigh and his leg got redder and redder.
Starting to look like a map on his leg.
My little bed with a window view...for the week.
Infection spreads down into his feet and swells them up something awful.
Over the week he would feel better for a little bit but then feel awful. They tried about 5 antibiotics while we were in the hospital.
I dunno what the heck this is...but it felt like it was a microphone listening in to all our conversations!!!!
This guy...somehow he was able to get past Peggy Sue and visit everyday!!!!
Love our ministering Angel!
Dr finally decides he's good enough to go home.
But he's still really sick...for several weeks...

They send us home with the pharmacy...another three rounds of antibiotics before he finally started feeling better over the next month.
I'm not sure he remembers Christmas...

Several weeks later and his foot and leg are peeling like crazy...but they aren't red and they aren't swollen anymore!
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