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02/12/2023 Happy Valentine's Day!!!

 Love you ❤ for Valentine's Day!!!  Hope you do something a little extra for V-Day. Maybe you can make sugar cookie hearts and take them around to members or something!!!

It's been a really hectic week and I can't really figure out why. But whew!  Seriously!

My bosses were gone Monday and Tuesday so I picked up a project from the utility office that kept me busy at work. Other stuff mixed in with it to make me feel really really busy!

Tuesday I went to the Dixie Center and met dad and watched the Mayor of St George do her state of the city's an hour long talk about our community basically. Not too exciting but something different to do for sure. 

Wednesday we met at Don Pedro's but I had to be late cause the bosses were all back and right as I was walking out the door my boss texted me about an urgent problem that he wanted me to take care of right away. So I did. And was 20 minutes late for our dinner date.  

For YW we did heart attacks...we had a bunch of paper cut into heart shapes and wrote notes on it. Then we took the notes and put them on 5 homes...there was a guy in our ward that fell off a ladder and has some surgery ahead - Mont Gubler; A little YW that lives with her Gma and hasn't been coming out real regularly Dakota Bingham; One of our YW birthday - Dylin Blaser; Sister Haymore (bro Haymore in Bishopric, Sis Haymore is responsible for combined activities) and Sister Marlowe - who just had baby #2 and was recently released from YW. So a nice variety of people. We had mini candy bars too that we also taped on the doors. 

Thursday & Friday one of my bosses was out again -- Jeremy - for hernia surgery. So I continued working on the utility project but also had a lot of people looking for the boss and having to take care of them best I could. 

I ended up with some extra hours this week by the time the week was over. It just felt really busy this week!

Holly and Erik came over Friday and we went to Angelica's -- just the four of us - cause Gpa had his New Harmony bunch lunch at his house. They came back later in the evening and hung out but not too much -- they stayed long enough to see AJ and Becca and then headed home. 

AJ spent four hours showing houses to Erin and Quinton yesterday. And there is a new store by costco - a restaurant supply store - that we went to in the afternoon. They had hot dogs, chips, ice cream, etc so we got some garbage food and walked around. They had some decent deals and others not so much. I wonder how costco feels about having some competition. haha

Today is superbowl Sunday so we'll have some yummy treats and watch some football. 

My thought for the week...I'm reading several books (as usual!) - and one of them is about getting what you want. It basically says you need to stop being afraid to ask - and just ask!!! 

The five barriers to asking: 
1. Ignorance - we don't know WHAT to ask for. (we don't know what we want). We don't know what options are available. we don't know how to ask. 
2. Limiting and inaccurate beliefs - if you love me you would know what I want (no...tell me!! I can't read your mind!) The answer will be no, why should I ask. If I get this someone else will miss out on something. Getting what I want will make me unhappy. 
3. Fear - worried about rejection, looking stupid, being powerless, humiliation, punishment, abandonment, endless obligation, etc. 
4. Low self-esteem - feeling unworthy, my needs aren't important
5. Pride - don't want to appear needy or weak. We don't want to be judged for not already having it. We should be able to figure things out on our own. 

So figure out what it is you want and then figure out how to ask for it. Ask your heavenly father, ask your companion, ask your mission president, your district leader, ask your family, ask your ward members, friends, people on the street. Whoever can help you. Ask!

Not necessarily a spiritual thought...but a thought nonetheless!

Love you lots and so proud of you for all your hard work and dedication!  
I hope transfers goes well for you!  Can't wait to hear about your week! xoxo Mom


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