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05/07/23 Preparing for a wedding and such

 It's been a good and busy week!  

Still been doing time with the chiropractor trying to make my neck and back feel better. This week he taped me up (2nd week in a row) and had me lay on a round pillow for 5 minutes every night trying to relieve the knot in my back. In addition I decided to ditch my work chair and get a different one (like the hard chairs in the council room) -- and I think that may be the problem because after a week of the new chair I'm feeling better than I have in a LONG time!  

It was kind of quiet this week at work because one of my bosses had a 3 day conference -- so I got to do some fun different things. I did put some items up on the auction and ordered signs for our whole building (we are remodeling). 

I had an ultrasound on my breast this week because they found a lump 6 months ago that they wanted to watch. I am happy to report it is just fine -- no growth. They will peek again in 1 and 2 years I think they said but honestly I am not worried...I swear they found this several years ago at a different office and put me through the same routine. I also think it's because I have good insurance so -- easy money. (am I cynical?!) 

For YW we had a mother/daughter night (and Holly came with me!!! -- she said it was my mother's day and birthday present! 😂).  We made some fancy treats and each monther got up and told a little about their daughter. (Holly made me promise I wouldn't do that to I didn't. But I would have like to. ❤) We played get to know you games and then one of the ladies told the story of her daughter and how she didn't fit in at church and has gone away from the church and encouraged the girls to be kind and inclusive. Honestly it felt a little over the top - Holly agreed -- like made everyone feel bad about their behavior -- guilty -- whatever...but we've got some major clicks going on and they are trying to stop the nonsense. They've done similar things about 3X...I think they need to back off now and hope they get better!

Thursday night I had a presidency meeting to plan girls camp...and I'm struggling with it!  They told us no we couldn't have camp about 3X but our President kept pushing and they finally agreed. At that point most of the dates were taken for camp little thunder. There was basically one in June and one in August. And of course the one in June is the same week we are going to Alaska.  I could potentially go Wed/Thur and maybe even part of Friday but we fly out Friday night. It's just a lot in one week. But you know I LOVE girls camp.  But I love being there the WHOLE time!!! I was going to just not go but several of the girls have begged me to please come. And I want to. And I don't!  haha

And camp little thunder may be under snow and unaccessible so we are having to pick an alternative but they don't want to change the dates (which makes sense since we told everyone). 

Also...we are 5 weeks away and our Bishop has not called a Camp Director so all the planning falls back on us. And it shouldn't be on us!!! 

I need an attitude adjustment! 😇

I'm trying to be quiet if I can't be positive!  🤐
At least I hope it's working that they don't know I'm struggling with all this!

Friday night Holly came over -- I put my dishwasher together because I finally got all the right parts. (and the heating element still isn't working. Sigh).  But the dishwasher runs and uses hot water from the water heater so I have to decide if I'll pay someone or just not worry about it!)

After I got it together we went to the DI and found 400 invitations for her wedding for $20.  We figure we can use those and print 4X6 pictures for another $20 and for $40 plus postage she'll have invites!!! We went and checked out the Covington Home and she absolutely loves it. It may or may not actually be available...Barry is working on that for us to see if it can be!  And we came home and ordered a dress...she loves it on screen...I hope it translates well in person. We'll have it in about a week or so. Overall good progress on the wedding planning. And that's two Friday nights in a row that Holly said, thanks mom...I really had fun tonight. (It's been a LONG time since I've felt like she enjoys spending time with that made my mama heart happy.)

Saturday AJ and I played pickleball (dad slept in...long week) and I did tons of yard work and we went to the Ironman and dad announced (cheered on the runners) and I took pictures. I saw Emma and Katie Meidel and their little two year old. That was a fun surprise!!! I told Emma to reach out to Holly and try to be friends (maybe work together!! But it's possible that ship has sailed.

So overall a good week and looking forward to a good week ahead. I am going to work up in the courts again a lot next week because Mindy quit and the new girl is starting on Monday so they want me to cover phones/desk so that they can get her trained up. She has 7 years experience and started the West Valley court many years ago so I'm hopeful she will have a lot of what is needed to jump in and get going full speed in no time!

My thought for the week - I'm reading a book called the Aladdin Factor (I have been reading this a long's seriously about 6 months of a chapter or a page here and there...I don't know why it's so slow...but it is!)  Anyway this book is about how, like Aladdin, you have to know what you want and then you have to ask for it. You can't fear rejection or overthink or whatever. You just decide that you want something and then you make the effort to make it happen. 

The thing that I think is really important in this is to discover what it is you really want. Because I think half the battle sometimes is just deciding which path to take...what it is you want. Once you decide WHAT you want it is easier to discover how to get it. 

And then stop being afraid...Just put yourself out there...Hey, you are really good at XXXX can you show me how to do that? Or I need funding for my service project would your company be willing to sponsor us...Or whatever.  And stop thinking of NO as a rejection of you and don't take it personally.  THEY just weren't able to fulfil your request but the next person might be. 

I don't know if I'm relaying this in a way that makes sense...but to sum it up...figure out what you want and then ask and expect to get it...and you just might! 

On a spiritual note - I really enjoyed come follow me this week and the story of Lazarus. Jesus came after he was dead for three days and everyone was mourning and he mourned with them and comforted them and then he performed the miracle of raising him from the dead. And he helped people to understand that he had the gift of eternal life and salvation. And that he mourned with them even though he knew he could remedy their sadness. We need to be aware of others sadness and mourn with them and their happiness and rejoice with them. 

I'm excited to hear about your week and if you are getting transferred and just what's up in CHILE!

Sister Geary says Hi!!!! (next door neighbor)  

Also Emma Meidel said she is planning to go on a mission later this year. 

Love you lots! mom


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