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07/19/24 Dad Laurito 86th birthday celebration and a visit with the kids

Dad Laurito turns 86 on July 23. Since we couldn't be there for his birthday we had a birthday dinner the Friday before. Ruth and Chris made chicken and veggies and chips and dip and pumpkin cheesecakes. It was delicious!  We did an all adults party -- Ruth and Chris, Becky and Kevin, Shelly and Andy and Suzanne and Ray at Ruth's house. 

I made a book for him because he was recently diagnosed with Lewie Body Dementia and it is helpful to remind him of his past. His book starts when he was a boy, got married, job, kids, grandkids and Suzanne. It was col and I thnk he really enjoyed it. 

Our diner lasted about 2 hours and it was nice to just hang out and visit with the siblings! Love to see my sissies!

Since we were up for the weekend we spent the day at Dallas and Bryce's house (back and forth). Dallas' kids were sporting runny nose and coughs so Mo and Bryce and Marlee didn't mix too much. Also since they were sick we thought it would be better to play outside to let the germs be less concentrated. 

So early in the morning Bryce and I got up and did a weeding project along the front of his property. 

Then Dallas and I and the 4 kids loaded up the stroller and walked about 1 mile to the park. We let the kids play and McKayla joined us after she finished her walk. 

We went back to the house and got out the sprinkler pad and played in the water for awhile. 

Holly, Bryce, Andy and Shelly did our Salt Lake favorite shopping...Trader's and Winco. 

We had dinner at Italian Village (takeout) and then called it a day. Afterward we sat and talked on the back patio and made smores. Yum. 

It was a fun quick visit with the kids and the grandkids. 



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